15: You Are In Love

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My eyelids flutter open.

The room is dark.

I smile as I remember the reason I'm here.

Looking around, I can't help but remember that this room was never made for two to sleep in.

The time escaped us.

I close my eyes and relive the night in flashbacks.

Unbuttoning his coat. His bad jokes. Coming home from a midnight coffee run. The light hits his necklace. We sat on the roof. "Look up," he whispered towards me as he gazed at the stars. Our shoulders brushed. Then our lips brushed.

From the silence in that car, on the way home, to the lights being turned off as we tangled ourselves together in his bed.

I brush a few curls from his face only inches away from mine.

"I'm so in love with you." I whisper.


I walk downstairs in only Harry's white t-shirt.

"Damn it," he curses as he grabs the toast out of the toaster.

"You alright?" I ask.

Harry's features instantly fall for a look of admiration as he lays eyes on me.

"Yeah- I just burnt the toast." He gives me a small smile.

I laugh. "I'm more of a go-out-and-eat type of Sunday morning girl." I ruffle my bedhead.

"Right. So about last night.." "No one will ever know I was here." I nod.

We weren't exactly supposed to be alone.. ever.

Anything that was stopping me before, anything that's kept me afraid, is no longer holding me back.

I go and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I should get going." I frown.

Before I know it I'm fully dressed again, though I did keep Harry's shirt on.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Harry pecks me on the lips. He had to drive me home since he was the one who snuck me out last night.

"Maybe." I tease.

"Well if I don't I guess I'll just have to sneak myself into your bedroom again." He retorts.

"Shut up." I laugh.

Remembering the first time he spent the night in my room, I smile.

Nothing had happened. We had been watching movie marathons all night and we'd dozed off.

Harry laid asleep on my chest.

Suddenly he had woken up and had a strange look on his face.

"Harry,  you alright?" I ask.

He nods. He ponders, then says, "You're my best friend."

That look on his face, I'll never forget.


It's the same look on his face when Harry tells me he's in love with me.

"I love you." He kisses me again. "I love you too." I whisper, heading back to my house.

This is love.

Love is dancing in the middle of living rooms to Ed Sheeran.

Love is keeping a picture of me in his locker, even though he thinks I don't know it's there.

Love is being able to not say a thing but feel that it's there.

Love glows in the dark.

Our love glows in the dark.

I don't think we ever had to say that we loved each other.

We didn't have to say it, because even when we don't say it, we know we're in love.

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