Chapter 34

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So Jake meeting my parents and family was really out of nowhere, but it went so good and Jake was so cute. Everything he did was just so damn cute. He went over to Rachel's house one night and I went with him.

She hugged me so tight when I walked in and he knew not to give her a thing. He wasn't going near her at all. All he did was hug her and kiss her cheek when we first walked in. Which made me laugh. He kissed people's cheeks who crushed on him. When my sister left the night before he kissed her cheek because he caught on to her drooling over him. I thought she was going to pass out when he did it.

I was in Rachel's room with Jake and we were sitting on the floor. He was barely talking and it was bothering me. She would barely look at him too. It was like something was going on.

"Is everything okay between you two?" I asked and Jake looked up at me.

"Yeah-why wouldn't it be?" He asked.

"Because you're not talking and she's not looking at you." I said and he looked up at her.

"I'm just tired." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah." She said and he nodded and I sighed.

"Okay." I said and Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me.

"You guys can go home-I'm sorry. I'm making you hang out with with me and he's like double my age. He probably doesn't even want to be around me." She said and I shook my head.

"No sweetheart. We love spending time with you. We love being here and keeping you company. Jake can be like the dad that you don't have to hide anything from. You can literally tell us anything and if you ever wanted to stay at our houses let us know. We have plenty of extra room and you can bring someone over from school." I said and Jake nodded.

"Just because I'm a lawyer doesn't mean I do everything by the law. I'm a jackass who likes to have fun and I do what I want. You can tell me anything." He added and I rested my head against his shoulder and he nuzzled into my neck. She chuckled and I smiled up at her.

"If I ever wanted some alone time with a guy, could I go over? I don't want to ask that in a disrespectful way. I just can't get privacy at school and my parents are here." She said and I chuckled.

"You can come to my house."

* * *

The next day Jake went over to see Rachel to give her drugs of course, and when he got back I wanted to talk to him. I just didn't feel like things were right. I was scared he was sleeping with her.

"Hey, Jake? When you get a chance can you come in the kitchen?" I asked as I was making dinner for us when he walked through the door.

He walked into the doorway of the kitchen and smiled at me before kissing me.

"What's up?" He asked.

"You went to Rachel's." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I mean I don't care I just-it's just-we were there yesterday and you barely said anything to her. How do you act when it's just you? Does she talk to you about things?" I asked.

"Yeah-her parents talk to me more. They weren't there today though." He said.

"So you were alone with her for over an hour?" I asked.

"I've just been talking to her. Trying to comfort her during this. She needs it." He said.

"But you didn't comfort her last night when I was there." I said.

"You're being ridiculous." He sighed.

"Did you do anything with her? She's so young Jake." I sighed.

"I would never do something with a 17 year old and I'm marrying you. We're more than official at this point. I'm not cheating on you for a 17 year old. I love you." He said and I looked down at the food I was making and he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed the top of my head.

"I promise, Blaire. I love you sweetheart. I've just been making sure she's okay." He said softly and I nodded.

"I believe you." I said and he kissed my cheek admins all around my neck as he held me.

"What's for dinner?" He asked.

"Grilled cheese. I didn't feel like cooking a whole meal." I said and he nodded.

"Grilled cheese is perfect."

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