Chapter 36

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When I was upset, the only thing I wanted to do was work. It took my mind off a lot even if the person I worked for was the person I was mad and upset with.

Luckily, Jake wasn't in and didn't even know I was in. He kept texting and calling me, but I kept ignoring him and I literally blocked his number so it would stop. He was bothering me.

Everyone in our office looked confused when I walked in too, and they all kind of scattered to get back to work as if I gave a shit. At that point, jakes entire business could have fell apart and I wouldn't have cared at all. I was just there to get my mind off things.

"Mrs. Sanders? Can you-"

"It's not Mrs Sanders, thank you. It's Ms Angeles." I corrected and completely cut off one of our lawyers and she looked at me for a second like she was confused and then continued.

"Everyone feels like Jake isn't coming back. Is he? He's been gone for almost two months now. We need him back." She said and I nodded.

"He'll be back hopefully." I said.


"Why don't you email him about it?" I asked.

"I know but he's had Morgan coming in and checking on everyone. I just didn't know if that was permanent." She said and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Is Morgan here?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said and I nodded.

"Okay well I'm not sure when he's coming back. We're not talking. He'll be back when he's ready." I smiled fakely and she nodded slowly before walking out. I sat at my desk for a second, staring at nothing. I wanted to kill Morgan. Knowing she was in the office next to me made me want to scream and lose it.

I tried my best to not get up to go into his office, but I did. I had to tell her how I felt and freak out in order for me to feel better.

I walked into the office to see her sitting at his desk and she looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow.

"Jakes been looking for you." She said.

"You would know, bitch." I said and she cocked an eyebrow at me.

"That's not very nice." She said.

"You know what's been going on. Don't act like you don't. You ruined my relationship with Jake and you have no clue how much it hurts me. Before him and I, you two were just history and you never let him get over you. You knew he'd do whatever you wanted because of everything you know about him and he doesn't deserve that. I don't deserve to get my hopes up and then be heartbroken every two weeks. It's ridiculous that I'm this hurt over you being a dumb bitch. I loved Jake and I'd do anything for him, but I can't just keep having this happen to me because of you. You need to grow up and get over him and stop harassing me." I said.

"Sorry you feel that way. He never loved you and never wanted to get over me. He always will love me sweetheart." She said and I rolled my eyes. She was so immature.

"Whatever." I mumbled and I walked out the office. I went back to mine and grabbed my things and I walked out my door before running into Jake. Literally full on into him. He looked down at me and I looked up at him.

"Your girlfriend is in your office waiting for you." I said.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm leaving. I'm sure you were coming here to see her." I said.

"What? No-can we talk? Come here." He said and he grabbed my arm. He pulled me into my office and locked the door behind us.

"Let me out of this room, Jake." I warned.

We Were FreeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum