I Will

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On the other hand Abir has decided to be a good son.And just behaves to be normal. The next day.

Rajvansh sadan

"i will from now not think about her or even meet, call, text her or anything. I need to be a good son to my mother a deserving son of a deserving mother,yess I will do it and not even think about her" Abir tells himself.


In a new room a new place mishti gets up.

"I will, I will always protect you from any danger Abir and ya now your family is my family too and i will protect them all too and even my family. I know that it is difficult for u to hurt me and in turn hurt yourself so now things are easier u don't get to contact me again and hurt yourself "saying mishti got up from her bed and checked Abir's location in her new phone.

" now i don't need any money from anyone cuz i was a designer,...... A born designer and all thanks to my bhai and bhaiya (who are they,.... Its a secret and will  be shown in  soon hope u like Mishti's bros) who sold my designs and and i am a milliner after getting engaged so no need to take money from BM or BP or anyone else #mylife_myway_myrules_mymoney "mishti said to herself.

" ok!!! So  Ajeeb rajvansh, ketu, Atul, kunal, kuhu and others r on place " and mishti started unpacking her stuff and keeping it in her room.

" I will have to do this seeeeee....... When Mishti get protective she is very very protective and yes i will do anything to protect our families Abir anything means anything and if that includes something that the old mishti used to do then I am even ready to do anything and i will do it "
And later she noted down everything in her dairy.

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