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"Here. Try this one."

Jerium shook his head slowly, the corner of his lips twitching upwards. "Alright, alright..." He reached over and grabbed the mixed berry macaron from my grasp before taking a small, tentative bite. I'd made it myself with the help of Ingrid, who showed me around the palace's kitchen, and I stared closely at his face that flickered orange and dark because of the fire in the fireplace. Watching every painfully slow up and down movement of his jaw, I waited eagerly for his reaction. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and I looked at him expectantly. "It's good." His voice went up an octave, sounding impressed, and he finished the rest of it in a large bite. "Really good," he added with a mouthful of the blue pastry, probably just to appease me. But I didn't care. He said he liked it and that's all that mattered.

"Raena made all these here." Ingrid waved her hand over a section of the quickly put together picnic we'd spread out on the floor on top of a wool blanket, which was as close to the fire as it possibly could without setting ablaze. "And these are mine." She gestured to the other half, looking particularly proud of the small sandwiches she'd brought, whose unique flavors I'd forgotten already.

Only half an hour had passed since Ingrid's arrival when Jerium walked in on us, the loud shrieking of the heavy table's legs dragging against the hardwood floor as we tried moving it into the hallway catching his attention. After seeing what we were doing, without saying a word, Jerium helped us move the rest of the furniture away, somehow using his magic to make it light so he could lift it with one hand, and finally joined us after we didn't stop insisting.

"They all look delicious. Thank you, ladies, for allowing me to join in on your celebration," Jerium said, grabbing some crackers and what looked like goat cheese before quickly popping them in his mouth. He sighed and leaned back on his elbow while using his other arm to pick out and nibble on whatever caught his eye. It was probably the first time I'd ever witnessed Jerium completely relaxed, the hybrid not seeming to have a care in the world or a single thought behind those red locks of his.

Ingrid reached into her wooden basket beside her, the one she'd brought the sandwiches in, and pulled out a bottle full of garnet liquid, my eyes perking up at the sight. She set it aside and then grabbed three of the five glasses with the Cursed Kingdom's crest engraved in the sides that she'd stolen from the palace's kitchen, proceeding to pour half a glass in each before handing them out.

I happily took the cool glass from her hand, which was soothing against the heat of my palms, and leaned down to get a whiff of the liquid inside, swirling it around in my glass. It smelled fruity and sweet, just the way I liked my wine, and I thanked Ingrid again for bringing it.

"So... Would anyone like to make a Winter Solstice toast?" Ingrid suggested, her eyes bouncing between Jerium and I expectantly.

I dropped my glass slowly away from my lips, trying to act as casual as possible and like I hadn't been planning on taking the largest sip of alcohol in my life before she'd spoken.

Jerium nodded his head towards me, cradling his glass and staring at the drink inside uncaringly. "I think our future queen should have the honors," he said, sending me a smile paired with trusting and mirth-filled eyes. My insides churned with guilt and something else distasteful and my mouth suddenly felt dry.

My gaze flashed to Ingrid, who wore a tight grin with knowing eyes that were heavy with sadness. It made me wonder if she felt culpable or regretful. After all, she was partly responsible for sparking my desire and hope of escaping in the first place and proceeded to endorse it—or at least, she didn't try to stop me or turn me in to anyone, which I saw as some type of support nonetheless.

The Cursed KingdomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora