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**Warning: mature content ahead**

~ HEAT ~

The adrenaline pumping through my veins coerced my legs to quicken until my muscles protested and the trees around me became mere blurs of green and brown. I was drunk on it. Utterly and entirely wasted. My mind and body buzzed with restless energy that begged to be released and it felt like I would implode if I didn't listen. Faster, faster, faster... it told me and I complied without hesitation, feeling it leave my body with every fall of my foot against the soil.

I was so consumed by the new sensation that I almost laughed out loud with glee when I heard Henrik's pants closing in on me, basking in his frustration that swarmed the bond like a hive of bees.

The rhythm of my heart accelerated until it was as violent as a lightning storm, my breaths ragged and sweat drenching my scalp as I finally heard his paws closing in behind me. A low, familiar growl met my ears, my mark responding with a single pulse that lit my body aflame with desire.

A dark blur shot past me and I let out an unattractive shriek, falling backwards onto the grass when a large black wolf jumped in front of me and blocked my path. Growling and placing his tail in the air, the Lycan informed me with just his posture what I already knew and had accepted the moment I sensed him drawing near: I was caught.

The sight of Henrik's wolf standing tall in front of my sprawled out form took my thoughts back to when I'd first seen him. At the time, I truly thought he was going to kill me—rip me apart until there was nothing left of me but scraps for the insects. It was ironic that now as we stared at each other, I couldn't imagine how I could possibly survive without this male.

My heart lurched and I realized as I sat naked in the middle of the woods, the first beams of the day's sun shining through green leaves, that I never wanted to leave him.

There was nothing for me back at Amaryllus. No friends. No family. The only person I truly couldn't live without anymore was standing right in front of me and the thought of us ever being apart hurt me more than I would ever admit; it had nothing to do with the mate bond.

I let my adoration for him trickle down into the bridge between our minds and it was enough to shake Henrik out of whatever trance he was in, his body relaxing when he realized I wasn't going anywhere. I admired the way his body swayed majestically with his steps as he began stalking up to me, his scars and eyes the only qualities about him that were exactly the same as his human form. His pointed ears fluttered every few seconds and his nose never stopped twitching. I couldn't help but wonder what he was sensing, pondering if it'd be too strange to ask.

Henrik stopped when he was about a foot away from me, assessing with an unreadable expression my flushed cheeks and parted lips. Suddenly, he huffed, his breath hot against my forehead, and he leaned down to my face, nuzzling it with his damp nose before gifting me with a long lick from my jawline all the way up to my temple.

"Ech—Henrik!" I screeched loudly and wiped away his warm saliva with my forearm, grimacing in disgust while I glared at him through my eyelashes.

Why is it every time he's a wolf he has to cover me in one of his bodily fluids? I questioned internally.

Henrik cocked his head, watching me wipe away his salvia disapprovingly with narrowed eyes. I beg your pardon? His offended baritone voice shot down the bond, the scarred skin above his left eye lifting as if he'd forgotten he didn't have any eyebrows.

I scoffed, staring at him in disbelief. "That's gross," I stated bluntly.

So it's fine I lick your womanhood every night, my cheeks flushed at his words and I shifted my weight on my hand, but I can't lick your face? He gave me a deadpanned look, his eyes just as expressive as if he was human. It was a humorous sight to see on such a powerful-looking beast.

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