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There must've been something in the road, such as a stone or a thick branch that could have fallen during the storm the night before, because suddenly the peace of the carriage ride that had been putting me to sleep was disturbed by the vehicle violently jerking upwards.

A small, surprised sound arose from my chest as my bum slammed back down onto the seat, which I perceived to always be soft and comfortable but apparently was completely useless in providing efficient cushioning for that sort of ordeal. My whole spine felt as if it'd been pushed up into my skull and a dull ache sparked along my tailbone, causing me to wince.

"Sorry!" the driver called from the front, the second time he'd done so since we departed from the palace over half an hour ago.

I held no frustration towards him though since I was well aware he had no control over the conditions of the roads. By the way Henrik appeared, leaned back in his seat and relaxed as if the carriage flying in the air for a split second never happened, I could tell he thought the same. Honestly, it was quite embarrassing how calm he was compared to myself nearly having a heart attack and shrieking like a four year old girl who'd just spotted a spider.

From what I could tell from the restricted view from the small window, this road was much bumpier and narrower than the one from our last excursion and it didn't seem like much of a road at all. It looked ancient, with cracks everywhere and a lighter, worn out hue and the vegetation around it looking overgrown as if no one had trimmed it for months.

As I cranked my neck to look upwards towards the trees, I noticed little buds already appearing on some of the trees' branches and I couldn't wait until they finally turned into vibrant green leaves.

The distinct sound of a page being flipped over turned my attention over to Henrik, who still reeked of coffee from his breakfast that morning. He always limited himself to drinking it once a week, claiming he loved the taste but hated the effects of the caffeine, and I was glad for it because the drink's pungent scent was strong enough to stain his clothes and hair and I would've hated for our bed to smell of it too. It's not like it was a bad scent but I much preferred Henrik's natural one mixed with the small hint of cologne he dabbed on every morning.

I'd been desperately trying to get him to like tea more, starting with a few simple earl grey blends, and he'd drink it all if I gave it to him but I knew it didn't satisfy him nearly as much as coffee did. However, he and I both knew I was too stubborn to give up that easily and it'd become a new mission of mine to make him fancy tea one day and see him savor it as much as I did.

Henrik hummed at something and narrowed his eyes, seeming to be confused by whatever it was that he was reading from the oversized binder in his lap. By the angle he was propping it at, I couldn't see what was written inside and he only moved it back more when he saw me trying to lift my head to catch a glimpse.

I glowered at him and lowered myself back into the seat until I was comfortable. He'd been staring at it all morning, flipping its pages as softly as he could as if they were made from butterfly wings but at the same time clutching it firmly like it held the map to a hidden fortune.

"You do realize that it typically takes months for a couple to plan their wedding, right?" I asked teasingly, desperate to start a conversation in the midst of the silence that'd been dragged out for far too long, and lifted a brow. It was something I did a lot more often ever since I began spending more time with Henrik, the action slowly becoming as habitual as my fiddling fingers.

Henrik looked up at me over the rims of his glasses, a smirk forming on his lips. "Well, then I suppose this proves my fantastic ability at getting things done quicker than any male ever could," Henrik said, shutting his precious binder so quick that the pages smacked together and I nearly jumped from the sudden sharp noise.

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