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Any scum villain self saving system fans? Well there is a fanfic of the story written by janiejanie127 with a very interesting setting. Our original Bingge meets the real Shen yuan in his original body in the original world. Though there are not many chapters check it out svsss fans. The story won't disappoint you.😏😏
After the little encounter between Bingge and bingmei x shenqingqiu pair i wanted a fan fic between the original Lou binghe and shen yuan. Luckily my craving for such a fan fic was blessed with through wattpad. And
I am beyond happy to have discovered the fan fic. Just search Janiejanie127 to read the story as it is easier given that there are a lot of Svsss fan fics.😉😉
Mo Xian Tongxiu writes really good BL stories. The heaven's official blessings, The grandmaster of demonic cultivation and Scum villain self saving system are all excellent stories. Though i am sure most of you must have already read it coz i already did long ago.

Anyway here goes the chapter.

"My King, Lady Augreal wishes to see you." Shadow reported to his master.

King Satt immediately sprang up from his bed. "Really? She is....back?"

Shadow was already familiar with the king's love for his childhood mentor. So he simply nodded. In high hopes he was walking out of his bedroom followed by his personal guard.

"But...she um...seems very angry and upset." He added.

King Satt paused for a bit. "This one shall hear about that as well." However contrary to what he had heard when he saw her sitting at the table waiting for him she looked at him and gave a blooming smile. Despite the wrinkles on her face she still possessed her beauty from her youth. To the old king everything about her was very beautiful, let alone her smile which was enough to wake him up even from death. It had been so many years since she had smiled at him like this. So long that he even forgot.

"Miko Ahh....!" He exclaimed happily walking up to her. "You should smile more. Its very beautiful."

Beautiful my ass! Shadow cussed in silence. Look at her menacing smile ready to chop you alive. He couldn't help but think that the king was indeed blind with love, unable to sense the storm that was reflected in her eyes.

"I heard of an interesting rumour during my stay at Princess Sheela's  castle." Those were her first words to the king. The latter was of course a bit disappointed with it but he dared not voice his thoughts. "A rumour that a commoner was executed for slandering the nobles. That he had a disfigured face and was the master of a beautiful boy who had actually managed to beat the balls out of the general's son during the examination in counter of sexual assault. Is that true?"

Shadow felt his spine shiver in cold that instance. So she was here to criticize. Or more like to insult.

"What is true?" King Satt was a really big idiot to actually question her last part.

She stared at his eyes. "That you were the one who actually gave out the order of the execution at the wish of those pigheads." She continued to stare at him. "Is it true?"

King Satt gulped realizing that the gaze of her eyes were not sweet but were plain anger. And it was partially directed at him. While shadow left at once to give them privacy or rather to save the the king some face.

"Slandering a noble is a heinous crime . Death by execution was a given verdict according to law set by the founders of the Sun Empire."

She snorted at his reply. "Then what about sexual assault? Is it not a heinous crime deserving death? According to article number five of the jury record of the Sun empire death is the final verdict for sexual assault on any woman, man or  children or the aged. I thoroughly taught this to you when you were ten. Did you forget?"

King Satt was about to open his mouth but she overran him at it.

"When a young palace maid was assaulted by a visiting prince of another kingdom he was hanged the next day, his body unpreserved to be collected by his family. Though there was a war no one regretted it.
When princess Sheela was drugged by the king of the Ross kingdom in an attempt to rob her chastity his head was hanged at the public gates for display.
The man who let his wife be violated for money and the princess who harassed a royal prince and the man who assaulted a five year old child, all, all of them were hanged to death. Then why? Why was his son, a noble, an exception?
Didn't he also commit a heinous crime? Why? Why was one killed for slandering a noble while the other was sparred despite the sin he had committed?"

King Satt was speechless. He moved his lips but before his thoughts could take the form of words he pushed them back into his mind. He could not tell her. No matter what he could not tell her. Everything but not that.

"I guess these days because the king is being too lenient with the nobles that they are rotting year by year. The subjects, how disgusting they have become after being spoiled continuously by their birth status.
I am beyond disappointed in you. I thought you would change the kingdom, like you had promised back when you were young.
Satt, what have you become?"

To her question he was speechless. He hung his head down to hide away from her eyes. Things had changed. Ever since that day when he learned about nasty secrets his life had changed. It went downhill degrading his whole personality and his life. Even she left him.

"That boy...." Miko whimpered. "He was such a fine young lad. A lovely person, a capable teacher and a responsible master. How i wish i was there him. Although impossible how i wish i had seen him for one last time.
His beautiful eyes glistening with love and affection....."

The king was shocked to hear her say those words. He then realized she was talking about that overwhelming youth.

The youth that his bastard wife's son had taken in.

But this he could not tell. This was a secret that should never be disclosed. Not even his first love was an exception.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin