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Hitomu shifted his eyes from him. Adjusting his body posture he took a step forward. But the next step never came instead his body flashed at a lightning speed and before Zarad and Khiluya could comprehend what just happened his figure appeared right in front of the intruder.
Shand had a smile graced on his lips. The way his body reacted was extremely fast as if he knew this would happen. With a slight movement from his right arm his body moved at a lightning speed, leaving after images as he dodged sideways. Clenching his wrist into a fist he went head on to exchange blows with the formidable boy whom he wanted to end.
Two fist clashed with each other. The power their punches held resounded in the atmosphere, creating waves that grazed past both of them. Shand made a sideway jump followed by Hitomu right behind him. The former then made a swift turn and raised his leg. His kick was met with another kick. Hitomu twirled his body once then pounced on him with punches. Making fast but short movements as they were practically glued to each other at a close proximity. Shand used his own punches to met him head on. And just like this they had already exchanged several punches within just a few seconds.
The ground around them had crumble completely the moment they made their first move. Piles of debris of rocks and muds were being thrown up vertically, spattering like falling hailstones.

This was the scene that greeted the members of the black knight when they reached the battle arena. Watching two figures moving so fast and agile using tremendous power at the same time baffled them. They could barely make out their moves because the two fighting were moving impossibly fast.
Master Hitomu was going all out. What the fuck! How strong was the intruder to match him so evenly?
They were all curious but too bad because before they could have a look at the intruder's face both of them had already sprinted away to a different direction as a result of the pace of the fight going on between them.

Zarad narrowed his eyes as he followed their every move. Taking in their fighting style only pride swelled in his heart.
That's right.
He was gazing at Hitomu with daddy's proud eyes.
Only one comment came to his mind.
"Astoundingly overwhelming and charming to the eyes!"
Unlike the others he could see the energy flow and control of their bodies. The two of them ofcourse had the same fighting style but Hitomu had a better fundamental charm when it came to flexing the flow of his body, mind, technique and energy. While the other was a really formidable enemy and did not lack in any way, his sole reign was on his power. Power was ofcourse the ultimate key when it came to strength but Hitomu had a really captivatingly devastating flexing fighting style that power couldn't compare with. And that was the art of destroying little by little, right in front of the opponent's eyes with him knowing where he was crucially being attacked. His each and every attack held the intent to destroy rather than the intent to kill.

"A rather troublesome technique you have got there. Tsk." Shand irked at him.

"I could say the same to you." Hitomu replied. He could see the core power foundation circulating in the man's body. It was top notch. No wonder the emperor reaper was nicknamed as the 'One man God', with a strength like this given his other attributes, crowning him as the world's strongest man did even justice to him.

During this dialogue they had already exchanged multiple blows while moving places at the same time. One time they would be meeting head off on a tree while at times they were fighting on gound. Even in mid air they did not stop on their track.
The ground where they landed would break into pieces every time they made a move because of the magnitude their movements. The tree trunks were falling apart, cracking into smaller pieces.

"But i am surprised. He sure is infatuated with you!" Shand spoke. "You two even seemed close." He added with a rather twisted warm smile.

Hitomu did not give him a reply. "Is relieving your boredom that fun?"

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora