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I grabbed the rest of my bags out of the taxi and stared out at the house in front of me.

"Can you help me? These bags aren't gonna carry themselves."

I looked at my big brother struggling with his three gigantic bags. I don't know why he brought all these things from home, it would only remind us of them.

I shook my head in annoyance, and helped him out with one.

"Wow biiiiig help, Skie!"

"You should be glad I'm helping you! You know what, fuck it. Carry them your gotdamn self."

I threw down the heavy suitcases and proceeded into the house with my own bags. I immediately took in the familiar surroundings, and went directly to my room.

Not even seconds later I heard my brother calling my name again, as I'm putting away my clothes. I can't even sit down properly without him calling me.

"The fuck do you want Alix?"
I stopped what I was doing after I didn't hear him answer me, and went downstairs.

He was at the bottom of the stairs trying to pull the bags up.

"You know if your mouth wasn't so smart, you wouldn't have to be doing this alone." I said as I grabbed the front handle, while he climbed over, to the rear end.

"Thanks for helping me out with the bags."

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to scroll through my Instagram feed.

"You know you could try your hardest to get me to hate you, but it'll never happen."Alix said standing in my doorway.
"Your my brother and I love you. Their's nothing that you nor I could've done to stop it. The weather forecast, was wrong is all. Nobody knew that storm was gonna come Skie."

"I know Alix. It's still not fair is all I'm saying. How can we lose our only parent? Is God punishing us? Is it that we like man?"

"Woah, woah, woah. You need to chill out on alla that. Skie things happen like that all over the world. It's not right to question God or his works, and you know that so stop.  Second, our sexuality has nothing to do with this either. I think we both blame that on enough things back home in the Bahamas."

"- I"

"Skie..., I don't want to argue with you today. Please, let's just get the food and start shopping before it gets too dark, our morning is just getting started."

I bit down on my tongue and let in a breath of fresh air. He was right, he's always right. "Okay let's go. You got an Uber?"

"Yeah he's five minutes away, we should get going."


"You know we can accomplish more if we split up" I said putting the last bag in the backseat of the Uber.

"You're right", he shook his head "but Skie, please be careful, and leave that anger to the side. Text me if you need anything. I'm gonna drop these off and catch up to you later alright?"

I nodded my head and closed his door and they drove off. I can't help but notice as my heart rate picks up upon him leaving.

"He's gonna be fine, Skie."

I waited outside Walmart for my Uber, when I saw two females coming in my direction.

"Are you using that shopping cart young man?" The elder one asked and I shrugged.

"You can have it. I'm done with it."

She gave a slight smile and the other one rolled her eyes with a smirk, walking into the store.

My Uber finally came and I can now carelessly relax against the warm air. It was 49 degrees outside, I'm never gonna get used to this weather.

Bro💙🤡: you okay? Where you at now?

Me: you just left, where you want me to reach that fast?

Bro💙🤡: 😂 I cant ask?

Me: I'm headed to the mall to get some more hoodies, meet me at Starbucks in an hour.

Bro💙🤡: I cant just meet you. We don't have a car remember?? At least not until Friday.

Me: Okay. Go there now then, I won't be long.

After I arrived to to the mall I went straight to the American Eagle Store, already knowing what I came for.

"Anything in particular you looking for? I'd love to help"

I looked up and ready to reply 'no' but stopped. " Ashanti?"

"Hi Skie, how's the fancy life going for you now?" I tightened my jawline, refraining myself from a smart comeback.

"My father is dead, so no more fancy life."

She put her hands over her mouth and barreled out pitiful apologies. "I'm so sorry Skie, I didn't know. Why didn't you call one of us.., or-or tried to reach out in anyway?"

"I'm not your family, your friend and you damn sure ain't my girl. I didn't need to tell shit to anyone."

With that I walked out of the store, completely ignoring the reason I came in the first place. I'll just order my shit, simple.

Please ignore the minor errors.

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