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"Thank you so much for all you've done for me Pop's." I embraced him tightly in a hug."I don't know where I'd be without your help, I'm glad I made that appointment to come to see you. How long has it been since that day anyway? A year?... or two, maybe?"

"Tomorrow makes it a year. I'm also glad that you've made such an enormous amount of progress, on your journey. I should really say that I'm more than glad, I'm proud of you Mr.Blair."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"But although you've gotten your mood swings and temper under control, it's not over. You can easily slip back to that state, without proper monitoring of yourself. Look out for signs that your body shows you. Take your medication, and especially on blue days, because we are human and forget sometimes. Just be careful son."

"Yeah I know Pop's,... and I do believe that's the first time you've called me son." I squinted my eyes.

"Oh is it?" he hummed with a small smile.

"Yup." I checked my watch and stood up." Well, I guess this will be the last time I'll be seeing you huh?"

"It doesn't have to be. You may see me at a restaurant.., walking the streets or even at a red light..." He answered smartly. He knew what I meant." Take care of yourself son. Your parents would've loved the young man your becoming. Let that thought alone be your motivation to keep going."

"You're right..." I gave him a warm hug and said my final "goodbye Pop's."


"You ready to go?" Khyle asked me while closing the magazine he had in his hands.

"Yeah, let's get out of here before we miss our flight." I smiled while wiping a stray tear.

We were going to Rhodes, Greece and staying at the Mitis Grand Hotel. The babies were at his parent's house and we were staying in Rhodes for two weeks. I had always dreamed about vacating to Greece and now it's finally happening.

With all that's happening right now, I'd say that I'm a true survivor. I've read articles and watched videos of people, whose lives are in total shambles because of the severity of their disorders. However, I'm amongst the 70 percent that has been spared from its wraths. I'm more than grateful.

Alex on the other hand is still in college. He's doing amazing, we talk to each other every day. Although I still miss him from time to time I know that he's okay and doing well, vise versa.

I just pray he keeps his head in and heart leveled because he's still dealing with a moody Monraux, and some other guy he met in one of his classes. But I shouldn't be worrying too much because I'm the twin that never has his shit together. I should always expect the best in whatever he's doing.

After we arrived at the airport I sent a silent prayer for protection and boarded our flight.

"You ok babe? How are you feeling?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little jittery. I'll be fine." I gave him a kiss and snuggled up onto him.


It took us nearly 24 hours to get there, just hardly spearing us 2 hours. We had to stop at multiple airports: Virginia, Frankfurt, then Athens, now we're finally here at Rhodes International Airport.

Anger IssuesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora