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"Well Today's da' day," I told Khyle as he stood in his full-body length mirror, fastening his belt around his pants.

"Yeah... now or never right?" He said with a small smile.

"Yep, ready?" He nodded his head and we quickly gathered our necessities and was on our way to his parent's house, since he had it mailed to their address.


Bro: 👀yall good? it's almost 2, I thought you said y'all was gonna be here in 10 mins and that was at 12;30.

Me: I'm coming now. We had to take the long highway to avoid the fees... you know how I is carry on....I'm cheap. We'll be there in 5 minutes I promise.

Alis: Well hurry up then.., you know I don't know these people.

I locked my phone and sighed. I got it fixed by the way." Khlye?"


"what are you doing babe? I don't know the road all that well, but I'm pretty sure this is not the way to your parent's house. I watched you intentionally miss all the exits. If it's too much you don't have to do it ya know?"

"Nah it's not that..." he sighed and grabbed my hand." you're right. I guess I'm 'kind of nervous about not being their father. After these couple of months with them, they really grew on me. Just thinking about the DNA tests stating that I'm not they're father..." he shook his head"...even my parents are close to them now, since they spend most of their time with them.

My dads' accepted them with open arms."

"I understand. I doubt if you're the biological father or not, your parents are still gonna wanna keep them." I smiled and he mirrored me.

"Yeah, that's what I'm really worried about. I keep thinking back on that night that I slept with their mother. I could've caught a disease or even end up in jail if she had pressed charges and said I raped her. It could've been really bad-"

"But it didn't and it isn't. Let's just thank God that it didn't. You're an adult now, so man up and deal with it. You can't change the past."

He nodded his head again and turned off into the exiting lane towards his parent's house.


"Took you long enough, where yal was??"

I sighed and walked passed him going into the house.

"We're here, that's all that matters". We walked inside to find that it was a full house, it seemed as if his parents threw a party, instead of a get together.

"what's going on?"


"whats going on?" I looked at Skie with a loss of words, I didn't know what was happening myself.

"Stay here I'm gonna go find my parents." Panick ran through me causing me to trip on air as I frantically tried to doge everyone's gaze on me.

Why would they try to embarrass me like this? I know I was wrong and all, but my dad could've at least warn me, about a party. This isn't something you celebrate.

I went outside to the back yard and saw them sitting under a pool chair, with my twins.

"Khyle! Just the man I wanted to see. Come on and give me a hug, how are you doing my handsome nephew? I heard you're studying-"

"yes ma'am, but not now I wanna talk to my parents for a minute, then I'll get back to you I promise." I said while prying her arms from around my waist, and continued to my parents.

"Dad what's going on? I thought I told you I wanted to do this as family."

"This is your family, Khyle."

"Come on pops you know what I mean...I brought my boyfriend here, how do you think he feel, being in a crowd like this with people who he never seen before, that's probably judging him." Now that I really think of it, why did I leave him out them out there in the first place, I should've brought them out here with me.

I was about to walk away to find them, but they were already making their way towards me.

"Man y'all good? I'm sorry bout all this baby I swear I didn't know it was gonna be like this." I said as he smiled then shakes his head.

"What's today's date dummy?" He said making everyone around us laugh. I was confused for a minute then pull out my phone.

"Happy birthday babe."


I can't believe he forgot his own birthday. I mean I had plans for a small get together, but his looked like they invited literally everyone apart of his family. This is definitely not social distancing.

Black people's heads are the hardest I swear to God.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHYLE!" Everyone screamed out loud and the music began playing.

I grinned at him and he embraced me in a tight hug. "Damn how long knew about this?"

"I kinda planned it, but it was all their doing on the other stuff like the cake, the people and.... just the other stuff ya know."

"He kissed me and said "I love you, thank you baby" and went to greet everyone.


It was later that night we found out that the twins was indeed his own and he wanted me to name them- scratch that, insisted that I name them.

"Oh me? Geez I-I don't think I should name them, ask your parent's I'm sure they would love to do that- a-am I right?" I stuttered.

"Well it would be nice, but they already carry our last names. We think it would be great if you would pick their first names, it's only fair."

I looked at Alix and be shrugged his shoulders. By this time, everyone else had already left to go home, it was only Monraux and Alix, me, Khyle, and his parents left. Oh and also the twins of course.

"And also not to mention since we gonna get married one day, I'd really like it if you would. These our kids now nigga."

"Oh you bold for that now, how you gone just throw them on me like that?" I said making everyone laugh.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I don't know why I'm getting so emotional because he's said that a few times already in a joking manner but I guess this is kinda different.

I thought about it for a while and the only names that popped up was my dads name. "Adrian for the boy," I looked over at the girl and smiled "Adri'Ana".

"Aww Skie, you gon' make me start cryin' named them after daddy."

"I love it. Adrian Brown and Adri'Ana Brown.
Happy birthday to me."

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