😬Nendou Insert PT 3😬

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=What It's Like For Them To Have A Crush On You=
-Him being overprotective of you
-getting piggie-back rides
-riding on his shoulders
-like it's unreal
-being by your side all the time

=What They First Thought Of You=
'Hey look there's a girl gating bullied NOT IF I CAN HELP IT! Man she seems nice wonder if she likes ramen?'

=How Jealous They Get=
Like its unreal at how he doesn't get jealous, but you doubt he never gets jealous

=First Kiss=
OKAY! SO! You all were or no, ARE competitive, so it's normal for you all to have mini competitions, you had some pocky left so you decided to challenge Nendou, you thought that 'OH! HE'LL PULL AWAY AS SOON AS HE REALIZES THAT WE'RE GOING TO KISS! RIGHT!?!?' BUTT NOPE, YOU WERE WRONG! you all ended up kissing, while he was clueless you were a blushing mess , in the corner of his room

=He Realizes He Loves You=
He realized he loved you, as soon as you all met, since you weren't scared of his face

=When You Sit On His Lap=
He really doesn't care or mind, since he just takes this chance to hug you, you honestly don't mind either you enjoy his hugs ALOT

Saiki k boyfriend scenarios Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon