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I walked the halls without my trusty curly-headed pain in my ass by my side. Tommy's not here today so I have to truck it through the school day by myself. It's not really a big deal to me since Tommy is really the only person I talk to anyway.

I don't mind being alone and not having some sort of friend group. In college, I'll make up for that. I don't plan on being to myself in college unless I have to be.

I see Athena from a distance, in black jeans and a white button-up shirt. Her hair is up in a ponytail. Seeing her right now fills my heart with joy. I've missed her over the weekend. Since we didn't even get to talk Saturday morning I've been looking forward to seeing her today.

I have her spare house key in my pocket, tied with a super-thin purple string. I fixed my clothes as I got closer, hoping to look presentable.

Athena's eyes searched around in the opposite direction. She settled in folding her arms and dragging her eyes around my way. It didn't take her long to spot me. I could feel my heart smiling under her stare.

Her eyes flickered across me. I almost looked down at myself to make sure there wasn't anything weird going on with my wardrobe, but when I saw her eyes come back to mine, it made me question what she was doing.

Did she just check me out?

Before I reached Athena, Willow cut directly into my path and tore my attention away.

"Nova, hey," She greeted. "I wanted to ask you something."

I faked a smile, really wanting to just go inside the classroom, "Oh, um, sure. Go ahead."

She spoke softly, almost so soft I could've sworn I didn't hear her for a moment, "There's a party this upcoming Friday night. I ... wanted to know if you'd like to come with me? As friends."

"Party? Whose party?"

"One of my friends — it's a house party. I'd like if you came too."

"Um ..." I could feel Athena's eyes on me. She can definitely hear us too. "I mean, I guess? I don't really care for partying at the moment ... so ..."

Willow frowned, "We haven't hung out in forever. The only person you've been hanging out with is Tommy. Bring him too if you want."

I sighed, giving up, "Yeah — sure. I'll go. Let me know specifics or whatever."

"Yay! Okay, I'll text you then!"

She gently touched my arm before leaving.

That actually exhausted my patience.

Athena spoke, teasing me, "A party Ms. Jolie? You're on the popular side it seems."

I scoffed, "I'm really not. I mean I'm not trying to be."

She smirked, "Yeah, I can tell. You're not one for much social interaction."

"You know me now?"

She laughed, "I have eyes you know."

"Ah ..." I got closer to the doorway. "You watch me."

She hummed, "If not me then who else?"

I smirked because she's right. Ever since school started she's been the one helping me get out of sticky situations.

She spoke quietly, "You can drop it off during lunch."

I nodded, realizing she was talking about her spare key that I've kept safe all weekend.

I made it to my seat and looked over at Tommy's empty one. I actually miss him and his snarky comments, but I won't ever admit that to him.

Class started. Athena was walking around, lecturing. My eyes followed her when they could. My heart was fluttering in my chest whenever her eyes landed on me and I noticed that happened often.

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