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Things were calm, but slowly getting chaotic as the end of my final semester was approaching. Anxiety was lurking in the shadows and I knew it was only a matter of time before decisions had to be made.

Midterms were dead on arrival as usual, but those tests weren't weighing on my mind. Not until next week at least.

Athena was spending time with Jason more often, being his grief buddy. I've been remaining level headed — as much as I could anyway.

I wasn't exactly encouraging about it though.

He seemed to be a lot more down to earth now, according to Athena, but I couldn't know for sure. It's not like I knew him well enough to make any assumptions.

I simply didn't trust people at all so I found it hard to believe he mellowed out that much. You don't just transform into a new person that fast. Remnants aren't discarded that easy.

The conversation I had with my Dad about college earlier this morning set this day off on a weird foot. I wanted to tell him I was in a relationship and not talk about moving and what places I was looking at.

I simply didn't want to think about it anymore but I didn't have a choice because I had to start getting my things together. Packing, going through all things to get rid of, my Dad figuring out what furniture he wanted to give me or keep for himself. These were all things we had to start doing as soon as possible.

I had to tell Athena about this one way or another and I wasn't excited about it. I couldn't tell if she had made up her mind already and I couldn't afford her answer to come in last minute either.

I got to school, parking my car in my usual spot. After taking a few minutes to prepare myself for the day I got out, putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Nova? Hey," I heard from a short distance. I turned slightly to see Willow approaching me with new glasses. I hadn't seen her in a while. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but I knew I had no choice.

I cleared my throat, "Morning."

"How are you? You look ... great. Haven't seen you in months."

I smiled at her awkwardness, "I look great? Can't tell if you're complimenting me or not,"

She rolled her eyes, "You look good. Like you look happier. I guess I know why,"

"Happier? Wait — what?"

What the hell does she know?

"Tommy tells me you have a girlfriend. Soo ... when were you going to tell me?"

My heart momentarily froze. I blinked in disbelief, trying to make sense of what she just said, "What?"

"You ... didn't want me to know?"

I shook my head, trying not to get mad, "No, no. I just — right now I'd just like to keep that to myself."

She eyed me, "Oh ... well, don't be mad at him then. It sort of just slipped out of his mouth."

I waved my hand in dismissal of the conversation, "Yeah. It's cool. I'll see you?"

"Wait, you're not even going to give me details? I know we're exes, but ... sheesh. Didn't think you'd hold out on that info from me."

I was getting antsy, wanting to go find Tommy and slam him against a wall for opening his goddamn mouth. I couldn't show her that I was upset, but now her prying was making it a hell of a lot harder.

"She's ... pretty. Really pretty. She doesn't go here, so — I have to go, alright?"

Her lips thinned out into a frown, "Okay. Bye, I guess ..."

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