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My alarm clock rang, but I was already awake.

I spent most of my night tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Trying to get the events of the weekend out of my head. Dreading walking into school just to feel confused and alone.

I thought about Alice and how kind and understanding she was to me. I passed out Saturday night on her bed. I woke up with a bit of a hangover. She was already awake, making food for me and trying to help me feel better.

I remembered mostly everything that happened Saturday night. It's embarrassing to me and I don't want to think about it. I'm just happy and grateful that Alice was so nice to me. She even sat down to talk to me for a little until I took a long Uber home.

That long ride was not only expensive but draining on my mind. I had too much time to think and go over everything. It's not like I was happy to be back home either.

I got ready for school and even forced myself to drink some coffee. I started feeling the side effects of that on the way to school. I guess I drank way too much because I was starting to sweat a bit and became anxious.

By the time first hour was over, Tommy had texted me and told me he was skipping class. Which, I wanted to question why, but a large part of me didn't care. It isn't my business anyway. I'm sure he can handle himself if he isn't doing anything stupid.

When I turned the corner to Athena's room, she was already standing in the hallway at her door. I groaned, feeling my heart rate pick up.


I pulled out my phone as a distraction, aimlessly swiping through it. As I got closer I could feel her eyes on me. I was fighting my instinct to look up at her, but she spoke.

"Morning. Are you okay? You don't look well ..."

"Oh, I think I drank too much coffee this morning and I'm not used to it — at all," I shrugged. "I'm fine. I guess."

She eyed me, "Coffee? Hard time getting up this morning?"

"Couldn't sleep last night. I don't want to crash midday."

Her facial expression changed into something softer and more familiar, "Everything okay?"

I gave her the cold shoulder, slipping through her and into class, "Fine."

I quickly got to my seat and looked around me. It felt weird not having Tommy next to me.

When class started I felt extremely lazy. My ears didn't even wanna listen to Athena's lecture. I'd be nodding off by now if I didn't drink coffee this morning.

As my eyes roamed around I noticed that Athena was looking directly at me and she didn't look the slightest bit of impressed.


I rolled my eyes and straightened up in my seat. I pretended to seem interested in her lecture for the rest of class — taking absolutely no notes.

"Nova," Athena called. I was just putting my messenger bag on, preparing to leave.

I walked to her desk, "Sup."

She sighed, "Please try and pay attention during class."

"I was," I lied. "Zoning out is normal. Attention spans don't last that long."

"I'm aware. Just try a little harder, that's all."


"You're welcome to come by during lunch."

I arched my eyebrow, "I thought—"

"Not here," She cut me off. "You know better than that."

I didn't say anything else. I nodded and left her room, wondering why she wants me to come by later. I'm not exactly opposed, but being around her now seems to be doing more bad than good.

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