Chapter 31

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  He gives me a room on the same floor with a great big window. The openness it provides makes me feel so much safer. The fading sunlight filters through the glass panes and illuminates the room beautifully. He stands behind me cautiously. I know that he's holding his breath for my reaction. I turn to him, the way he holds himself is as a kid who's just presented me with a drawing. His eyes are wide and searching as he brings his hands and waits for my reaction.
  "I love it", I tell him. He seems to pause for a moment before a smile lights his face.
  "Really", he asks, "you do?". I nod in response. His smile grows wider if possible and his eyes twinkle in delight. The way his posture changes I can tell that he's itching to wrap his arms around me. With adorable he looks right now I'm tempted to let him. Looking at him, he really is handsome. The way a dimple pops out on his cheek, his full pink lips and soft black hair is all truly beautiful. Under different circumstances or in a different lifetime I think I could have loved this man.
  I clear my throats to break myself out of my own thoughts more than anything else.
  "Thank you Apex I appreciate this".
  "No problem love", he tries to make his face more serious but fails miserably as he can't stop smiling.
  "Dinner is in about half an hour so I'll let you prepare yourself", he tells me. I nod in acknowledgment. He turns to leave and walks out of the room.
  I slump down onto the bed and let out a sigh. Why am I meeting his family? Why do I almost want to meet his family? I shameful fantasies about his body are taking a turn. It was already insanity of me to want to kiss him all over and almost enjoying him being on top of me. Now I want to hold his hand and tell him how handsome he is.
  I had started to hate the color green after I met him. My once indifference had turned to disgust and anguish. Now I love the window so much because I get to see the lush grass and forestry below. The color was terrible and then it was beautiful and it's all because of him.
  He's done so many terrible things and I still want him.
  I lay back onto the bed and stretch out my arms before closing my eyes. I relax and let the warm light wash over me as I try to clear my mind.
  It's not long before I hear a knock at the door before it opens.
  "Dinner is ready, love", he says softly. I take a deep inhale before standing and turning to look at him. I now my head in shame over the thoughts I was having of him then walk to him despite it. He places a hand on my back again and leads me out of the room.
  What kind of people am I going to meet? From the kind of person that Apex is and the history I read on him, I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.
  He leans down a bit and coos, "they're going to love you". Before I know it we're in the dining room where I once tried to stab him. At the table, where we had our last talk, is the old woman I once ran into and a younger version of Apex. The woman seems entirely out of it, however, the boy smiles sweetly at me.
  "Are you my brother's mate?", he asks excitedly. This his brother?
  Before I can answer Apex does for me, " Eros, this is Diana". The kid excitedly jumps up out if the chair and runs around the table. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly was for him to wrap his arms around my waist in a tight embrace. I hesitate a moment before hugging him back, he seems like a sweet kid. Looking down at him he's almost identical to Apex other than his large brown eyes and lack of scars.
  I almost forgot about the woman when she speaks in the same language as before. The boy responds and she smiles contently. He let's go of me and goes take his seat beside her.
  Apex pulls out a chair for and pushes me in after I sit. He then goes to the kitchen to grab something.
  He returns with delicious-looking food and places one before each of us. He then takes the seat beside me and rests a hand on my thigh.
  Eros opens his mouth and asks, "so how did you two meet". Apex stills in his chair and stares down at his lap. I would normally love to make Apex squirm, but, I can't just tell this twelve-year-old boy what his brother did.
  "I was out on a walk and we ran into one another", I tell him. It isn't a lie necessarily.
  He smiles brightly at this, "I'm going to have a mate just as beautiful as you one day". His expression is dreamy as he speaks about this girl he hasn't yet met.
  "You're that excited to have a girlfriend, huh?", I ask. His face turns bewildered.
  "She won't be my girlfriend, I'm going to marry her as soon as I find her so we can be together forever", he tells me as though it's the most obvious thing in the world.
  "When are you two getting married?" I choke on air. It's just an innocent question from a child but, I'm shocked at the question. The idea is so ludicrous to me. Marrying Apex is just such a ridiculous notion that the thought has me gasping.
  Eros looks at me questioning and I can't bring myself to look at Apex.
  "You know", he says, "most mates get married in the first month, is it because you're human?". I hide my incredulity and force a nod. This kid is going to kill me.

 This kid is going to kill me

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