🥀 Chapter Two 🥀

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* Edited *

Daniel had been quick to rush off after comforting Monica, mainly because he had no choice. His family and wife were waiting outside for him and they were not the type of people you keep waiting. Of course, Monica hadn’t minded. She understood his reasons for leaving and so, after reassuring him that she was okay, she ushered him off.

He was a good man, even she could tell. He and Alex didn’t seem anything like their fucked-up family. They were good, she had to believe that.

“I hope you took it easy on him with the whole ‘you break her heart and I'll chop off your balls’ speech.” Grace says with a smile.

Monica chuckles and leans against her friends' shoulder as they stare out the window together; looking down at the Le Domas family below. “If it makes you feel any better, I used hand gestures this time.” Monica teases with a smirk.

Grace shakes her head and giggles, her eyes momentarily rolling with amusement. Meanwhile, at her side, Monica watches Charity: Daniel’s wife, gulp down another glass of champagne. She shakes her head in disapproval, “Jesus, she’s gonna be drunk before we even get to the ceremony.”

Grace chuckles and nods before stepping away from the window and leaning against the bed. It's clear that something is playing on her mind, especially when she begins to pick at her freshly manicured nails anxiously. “Do you think I'm doing the right thing?” she asks.

Monica smiles and folds her arms, “getting cold feet already?” she teases before sighing softly when Grace frowns at the remark. “Look, I don’t know a lot about this stuff but I do know that you and Alex are in love. So, if he makes you happy and you truly want to be his wife then yes, you're doing the right thing.” she answers sincerely, her eyes holding Grace’s as though to emphasise how true her words were.

“Thanks,” Grace smiles with eyes shining bright with appreciation and love, receiving a short nod in response before a new question rises on her tongue. One full of mischief and genuine curiosity. “So, what’s going on between you and Daniel?”

“Nothing,” Monica shrugs while shifting her gaze back out the window thoughtfully. “He's a married man, or did you forget that?”

Grace scoffs and walks back towards the window until she is once more stood beside Monica. They both stare down at Daniel now, watching him as he stands beside his wife, looking as miserable as ever. “I’d hardly call it a marriage; they don’t even sleep in the same bed. He married her to make his parents happy and she married him for money. That marriage was doomed from the start.” Grace comments before proceeding to gulp down the glass of bourbon that Monica had left on the dresser.

“Marriage is marriage. Whether it’s happy or not.” Monica sighs with the hint of jealousy lingering in her chest.

There was no point in her denying that she found Daniel attractive. It was impossible not to given how handsome a man he truly was, with his dark curls and soft hazel eyes.   He made her feel happy and nervous, but comfortable and safe all at the same time. She liked him, a lot. But none of that changed the fact that he was married.

Sure, he’d married a gold digging bitch with low alcohol tolerance but still, he married her nonetheless.

“He is different around you and your different around him; you make each other happy.” Grace comments with gaze flicking briefly to her friend.

“That’s what friends do.”

“Friends my ass.” Grace snorts with a smirk, causing Monica to nudge her playfully whilst adjusting her dress for the millionth time.

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