🥀 Chapter Sixteen 🥀

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Monica hadn't expected to be contacting her absent father when she awoke from her slumber this morning, she hadn't ever intended to see his face again after the disaster that was their first meeting but inevitably here she sat contemplating the idea heavily. She was weighing out the pros and cons of doing so, after all this wasn't just any ordinary dead-beat father she was dealing with, this was the devil and that meant danger and darkness followed him wherever he went.

She hadn't said much more after her brief meeting with Daniel's family, there was no need, they would be of no real help in this little issue they faced so she decided it was best to leave rather than wasting her precious breath. It was no secret that she still harboured hatred and anger towards the family for their actions the previous night, they were monsters in her eyes, just as she herself was. They had made her what she was, their deal with the devil had led to her becoming the murderer that now stared back at her in the bathroom mirror. She loathed herself more than she had ever thought humanly possible, so with a disgusted expression she drops her gaze to the marble floor beneath her feet.

She tenses as a set of strong arms wrap around her mid-section, before letting out a relieved breath when her eyes meet Daniel's brown ones. He offers her a loving smile whilst lazily resting his chin on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" his voice is soft and laced with worry causing her to frown once more.

"I'm not sure," she turns in his arms to face him and brings her hand up to carefully caress his cheek, she smiles as he leans into her touch. She realised that her touch brought him comfort, something he had never truly had before meeting her. "I just- I never imagined I'd meet my father. I didn't see myself ever wanting to know him or hear his side but now I'm faced with the harsh and unbelievable reality that he is the devil and I need to speak with him. It's just a lot to process. I'm scared because a part of me wants to hear him out, a part of me wants him in my life. But then I remember that he is the king of hell so there is nothing he can truly offer me as his daughter. Last I checked, the devil doesn't feel."

"You know you don't have to do this. We can find another way, Monica. One that doesn't involve you seeing him again."

Monica sighs, she had tried to come up with another plan but it was hopeless. This was the only way, she had to do this, she had to hope that her sharing the same blood with her father would make him be more reasonable. That maybe he would have some sentiment towards her, enough that he would give up the Le Domas families souls. She needed him to let them live, she needed him to release their souls and the hold he has over them. She couldn't bear the thought of Daniel and Alex going to suffer in the torturous depths of hell after they had lived out their human life. They didn't deserve a fate as brutal as that after the shit their family had forced upon them. They hadn't asked for this yet they were expected to bear the burden and consequences, no, she wouldn't allow it. She would fix this.

"You and I both know that this is the only way. I can do this; I'm going to make things better. Then we can leave here and start our life together." she promises. Daniel smiles with pride, there was his Monica again, never willing to run when things became tough, never backing down from a fight. The same determination shone in her as she stared back at him in this moment, the determination she had held the moment Grace chose the card.

"Okay. Then we do this together. You and me." Monica smiles and nods before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his, "always."


"You ready?" Monica asks Daniel as he sits himself in the armchair just a few feet from where she stands. They were in their bedroom, having cleared space for the summoning as they were calling it. Monica had changed out of Daniel's robe and into a pair of skinny jeans and a cream jumper having realised that summoning her father half naked was going to be a very bad idea. Definitely.

Hide & Seek - Daniel Le Domas.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora