🥀 Chapter Fifteen 🥀

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* Edited *

Grace couldn’t contain the smirk that filled her face the moment she caught sight of Monica entering the dining room in just Daniel’s robe whilst he followed behind her in sweatpants and a casual shirt.

She could see the mischievous glint in Monica’s green eyes, followed by the familiar smirk Monica had often worn as they grew up together. It was a smirk that made it very clear to those around her that she gave no fucks about their opinions of her.

She could see the old Monica in this moment, and it warmed her heart to see the friend she had been so worried about losing last night, return to the surface.

“What is this about?” Monica asks. She folds her arms over her chest and studies the rest of the family as they remain seated at the rather large dining table.

“Mon, sit down.” Grace smiles and pats the seat to her right but Monica shakes her head before locking her gaze back on the head of the household, Mr Le Domas.

She raises a brow at him expectantly, waiting for a response to her question. Her gaze on him alone was enough to make him squirm. Truth be told, he didn’t feel comfortable in Monica’s company; she was far more dangerous than they had first thought. He didn’t like the power she somehow possessed over himself and his small family.

“This.” he simply mutters whilst sliding a single crumbled piece of red paper over to her on the table top.

Monica frowns and steps forward to pick it up, her green eyes becoming more confused as she read the words written neatly upon it. “How was the contract breached?” she asks with a slight tilt of her head, causing her brown locks to fall in front of her face.

Daniel’s brows knit together as he thinks back to the original object of the previous night's game of hide and seek. He forms a forced and slightly saddened smile when reaching forward to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, much as he had done so earlier this morning before things had become heated between the two.

“We were supposed to kill Grace, by failing to do that we breached the agreements of my great-grandfathers deal with your father. Therefore, the contract is breached on our part.” he explains.

“Yeah, realistically we should all be dead right now. Some more than others.” Alex comments whilst smirking at Daniel who simply flips his younger sibling off.

Monica nods, taking in the information as her eyes once again scan the words on the red paper in her hands. Her heart sinking the more she read it, realising her father had written this himself.


Le Domas Family,

I hate to write this. It’s a pity to do so as I was growing rather fond of watching your rather pathetic methods of keeping up your side of our agreement. Each death by your hands has been as disappointing as the last yet just as intriguing to witness the toll it takes on each of you individually.

You must be wondering why you are still alive and somewhat well. After all, you failed your task and therefore breached our contract. Grace lives, so why should you?

Well, I have yet to decide your fate. Though I should offer you the fair warning not to expect a pleasant one. Expect me to collect what is rightfully mine by the end of the week. I’m sure that is enough time to say your pathetic and rather headache inducing goodbyes.

Oh, how I hate to see you pathetic creatures so emotional over something so trivial.

Don’t try to flee or fight this. Better to keep your dignity and accept your fate like the strong humans you so proudly claim to be.

Your Devil,

Mr Le Bail.


Monica lifts her gaze to the seated Le Domas family with a new urgency laced in her firm tone. “What is rightfully his? What is he coming to collect?” she asks.

Mr Le Domas shares a look with his wife before sighing and turning back to Monica. He frowns and wrings his hands nervously atop the table for all to see, causing his children to grow more concerned than they had already been. “Our souls.” he mumbles, causing Emilie to gasp and lean back in her chair with her hand covering her mouth in shock.

“You sold your souls to the devil?” Grace asks in disbelief.

“No, my great-grandfather did.” he tells her with a look of offense. “I would never sell my children’s souls for all of this.” he gestures around, referring to their ridiculous wealth.

“You sure about that? You were willing to kill your son’s wife before even knowing if this was all real. You really think selling your children’s souls is that big of a leap?” Monica stares him down with a look that was daring anyone to challenge her.

She wasn’t playing around with this; she was pissed, but she also wasn’t willing to watch the family die before her very eyes. No one else would die, not if she could help it.

She could feel the hurt his words had left her with seep into her tone as she spoke, his words ringing loud in her ears. “Well, we pathetic creatures aren’t going to roll over and take it up the ass.”

Daniel pouts at her making her roll her eyes before shaking her head, trying to fight back the smirk that threatened to form on her pink lips.

“We fight. I’m going to start with the most obvious option and probably the most likely to be successful. I’m going to call dear old dad. He and I need to have a little chat.”


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