🥀 Chapter Eight 🥀

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Grace had been quick in getting Monica into the backseat of Stevens car, making sure that she was breathing and in a safe position before closing the door and running around to the driver's side. She shoots one final glare to Steven’s as he begins to move, then with one swift middle finger raised in his direction, she starts the car and reverses out of the field and back to the road.

Her breathing remains ragged as she glances through the rear-view mirror to check on Monica, who still lay unconscious. She could hear Monica faintly mumbling incoherent words in her unconscious state, which gave her the reassurance that they would eventually be okay.


Grace frowns at the name that leaves Monica’s lips as a simple but desperate whisper. Why of all people was she saying Daniel’s name? She had to wonder if something had happened between the two when Monica had insisted Grace leave her in the study.

Surely, Daniel had kept Monica hidden from his family. Otherwise, how could Monica still be here and breathing. That had to be why she was mumbling his name, right?

“We’re going to be okay, Mon. I’m going to get us home.”

Grace glances to her right and requests to call something called ‘Trip Safe’, she waits a moment as it rings whilst continuously keeping an eye out for anyone that could potentially be following the car. She was anxious, more so now that she was so close to her freedom.

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