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"Alright guys, you've made it to Friday, so you know what that means." Chris gives a knowing smile before shouting, "movie night!"

The campers cheer in response while my friends and I let out a relieved sigh knowing that we'll have some time to ourselves for a while, even if it's only two hours, give or take. Movie nights have become a quick favourite at camp. The kids get to watch some of their favourite movies or watch new ones that they instantly love. The staff also enjoy the movies, but most importantly, they love getting time to sit and breathe while the kids are entertained by something else. The other counsellors and I have also taken delight in the fact that we can take a quick snooze after a long day without getting in trouble for it.

My first movie night at camp was one to remember. As the film played, I relaxed at the very back with Jordan, who had insisted we be the ones to not take chairs. The thought makes me smile, but also makes me wonder what will happen at tonight's movie session. Is it ridiculous for me to hope that Jordan will want us to sit together again? Not only that, but dismiss all the worries and fears that have been plaguing my mind throughout the week?

"Okay," Astrid says, clasping her hands together. "Bets on the movie?"

"For sure something Disney," Tammy suggests. "But classic Disney, you know? Not some lame one that only came out this decade."

Jordan adamantly shakes his head at Tammy's guess. "No way, they can't only play Disney movies. They'll probably play something else, like some adaptation of a true story."

"Sure, but it'll be a Disney one," Tammy says, eyes shining at the hint of a challenge.

Jordan smirks and holds his hand out for her to shake. "Fine, you're on."

I sigh and drop my head against the table. "More bets, Tammy? Really?"

I take a peek at the bet being made above my head and sigh again as Tammy takes Jordan's hand in hers and gives it a firm shake. My gaze lingers a second too long, but no one seems to notice. I lift my head back up and run a hand through my hair.

"What about you, Carter?" Astrid looks at me expectantly. She has a smile on her face that's neither friendly nor mean. Her hair falls in front of her face, but she doesn't seem to notice, or if she does, she simply doesn't care enough to fix it. "Got any guesses?"

"Nope." I play with the cap of my water bottle, eyes trained downward. The one word answer is enough for me, but the words fighting to be heard crawl up my throat, demanding to be spoken. Quickly swallowing any doubt I have, I flick my eyes up at Jordan. "But I'm sure it'll be one interesting movie."

☼ ☼ ☼

"Okay, this is stupid."

I fold my arms across my chest and send Tammy a pointed look. She makes it a point to step right between me and Wolf Cabin. She doesn't even spare the boys a glance as they run past her into the cabin.

"This should be good."

Tammy ignores me and takes a step closer. "What is really going on, Carter? You're acting really weird and you won't even tell me why."

I sigh. Leave it to Tammy to be the one to notice something's up and make a move to say something about it. "I'm okay, really," I lie. "I've just been feeling a bit overwhelmed the past few days, that's all."


My eyes widen at Tammy's response, surprised that she would be so blunt.

"Excuse me?" is the only thing that comes to mind.

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