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My phone is blowing up with messages. When I peel my eyes open after a long, restful night of sleeping, I turn on my phone to check the time, only to see my notification wall full with unread texts.

On my way downstairs, I grab my phone and shove it into the pockets of my pants. I know I'll get an earful from Mom about having my phone at the table, but I also know I'll get an earful from my friends if I don't answer them within the next half hour.

Mom and Dad are already in the kitchen cooking breakfast. My mouth waters as I inhale the smell of eggs and sizzling bacon.

"Morning," I say, rubbing some of the sleep from my eyes.

They turn and flash bright smiles. "Good morning," they chirp in unison.

I take my seat at the table and begin pouring myself some coffee. I take a long sip, savouring the taste of Mom's French roast. It never gets old.

"How did you sleep?" Mom asks, placing a bowl of fruit on the table in front of me.

"Good, good," I say, pulling out my phone as discreetly as possible. The messages are mostly from Ruth who is very adamant about hanging out. Her first few texts demand that I come over around lunch and spend the day there. The guys will be there too, of course, so there's no excuse for me to say no. The following texts are a bit more aggressive, telling me to get my ass out of bed and out the door because they can't wait another day to see me.

So sweet.

I send out a quick message to Ruth, letting her know that my ass is very much out of bed and that I will be over in a couple of hours. I shut my phone off and put it back in my pocket, hoping I got away with it.

Of course, I didn't, because Dad sends me a knowing look when he comes over to put some more food on the table. I smile innocently at him and he leaves it at that.

Winston makes an appearance five minutes later and drops into the seat next to me, plucking a blueberry from the fruit bowl and popping it into his mouth.

"Just take them all," I say.

Winston shrugs and piles the blueberries onto his plate. He likes pretty much every fruit in existence, but for some reason he'll only eat blueberries with his breakfast. I don't get it.

"Winston, did you take all the blueberries again?" Mom groans, taking her seat on the opposite side of the table. "Give some to your brother. Lord knows what he's been eating the past month."

Reluctantly, Winston shovels some blueberries onto my plate without a word.

Breakfast goes as it always does, just this time there's more to talk about. My parents badger me with questions about what I'm going to do now that I'm not at camp and if I'll help them with a few last minute summer projects.

"Actually, I'm heading over to Ruth's in a bit." I take a sip from my mug and look between my parents. "Could I get a ride?"

"Sure." Dad nods. "I have to get some things for the yard anyway."

After breakfast I rush to the bathroom to shower before Winston. Despite everything, I managed to forget to take a shower last night having been distracted by settling back in and getting some sleep. I take a long, hot shower because after a month of five minute lukewarm showers, I deserve it. I know Winston will complain later that I left only cold water for him, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Back in my room, I change into a pair of shorts and a red and grey striped shirt. I leave my wet hair as it is, knowing it'll dry in under an hour on its own. I shoot off a text to Ruth to let her know I'm on my way and receive a smiley face in response.

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