
565K 19.6K 9.5K

Word Count: 2294

Thank you @Wizardlyxdemigod for a fabulous banner!!!!


"Top of the morning to you!"

Juliette flung the curtains open, letting in a stream of bright light that almost blinded her in.

Jazz groaned from behind her, shoving a pillow over her face. Juliette pushed the window open, enjoying the cool breeze that brushed over her clammy skin.

"That's more like it," she murmured to herself. She turned, seeing Jazz still hibernating under that bloody pillow.

"And this is when you reply with, 'and the rest of the day to yourself'," Juliette's finished. Jazz mumbled something incoherently into her pillow.

Jazz stuck her head out, inspecting her watch which lay on her bedside table. Once she had seen the time, she gave a death glare in Juliette's direction.

"Seven thirty? Seven bloody thirty on a Sunday!" Jazz hollered like she couldn't believe it herself. Juliette gave her a slim smile.

"Well yes. One key to success is having lunch at the time of day most people would be having breakfast," Juliette said merrily, making her bed.

"That's not what you say most mornings when I try to wake you up," Jazz mused, slipping from bed. Juliette rolled her eyes, knowing perfectly well Jazz couldn't see.

"Those are days are in the past," Juliette said, turning to give Jazz a smile. Juliette had already slipped down to the showers that morning.

"I see being late to class on Friday has motivated you," Jazz said, picking up a towel to fling over her shoulder.

"Totally, from now on I'm going to wake before you," Juliette said.

In fact, that only reason she had woken early this morning was because she wanted to keep her mind of Chance. If she mulled on the subject, she would surely feel depressed.

"And its a big day today. We got to get ready for the Alpha Kings mating ceremony," Juliette said, putting some excitement in her voice. In other words she needed to see the inevitable downfall.

Jazz seemed to perk up at that news.

"You're right. Its all fancy dress and everything! I cant wait to see what Maya looks like, she's a total fashion icon within the She Wolves. Did you see what she wore yesterday..."

And with that, Jazz started rambling.

"I don't even own anything the royal family would even consider fancy," Juliette said with dismay. Jazz gave her a pointed look.

"Well I do, and we happen to be the same size," Jazz hinted, wiggling her orange eyebrows.

"Would you really let me borrow a dress?"

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

Juliette tugged at the thick, black fabric that hugged her body a little to tightly. Jazz nudged her in the side, urging her to stop.

They stood amongst a crowd a Wolves, all eyes glued to the stage where Bluey stood, microphone in hand. This was like a promotion for her, so the massive smile on her face was understandable.

"Welcome students. I'm sure you are all aware of the fact that this is the first time anything like this has happened in the 30 day trial history!" Bluey said with such enthusiasm it was nauseating.

Royal Alpha Jaxon ✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant