Day Nine

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Word Count: 2412

Thanks -ShayMunshaw- for this great banner!

~Part One, Day Nine, Thursday

"Is it me, or do you look a little off today?"

Juliette rubbed her eyes, wondering if ignoring Blaise's comment was her best option. She had barely slept last night due to the surprise stranger.

She kept thinking he was going to jump back through the window and hurt her or Jazz.

Now she sat in the gym for weapon handling, contemplating whether she should tell Jaxon about the intruder. She didnt want the strangers threat to fall through, making her constantly anxious and apprehensive about going back into her room alone.

But tonight was the Alpha Kings birthday party, and she was his date.

"You reckon?"

Juliette smoothed her hair down, not exactly oblivious to the fact that her hair was most likely a wild mess, and her eyes were probably red and puffy after all her rubbing. And not to mention the major bags that were probably under her eyes.

"Yeah, is sleeping alone hard for you? Because I can help with that," Blaise said, a bright grin on his face. Juliette gave him a pointed glare.

And here she was thinking he was just being friendly and considerate.

"You're a douche. Did you know that?" Juliette asked, her voice dripping spite. Blaise mocked an offended look.

"Oh you wound me."

Juliette rolled her eyes, pulling at the top of her uniform. The thick fabric of the unifrom was almost chocking her.

Phew it's hot in here.

"Class, sorry I am late."

Everyone looked up as Jaxon walked in, his enchanting scent drifting in with him. Juliette swallowed as his gaze met hers. Punishment last night had been awkward, and they didn't talk that often.

At least this morning he looked slightly warmer then he had yesterday; his mood yesterday had been below Artic levels.

He stalked in, captivating everyone with his natural elegance and power. Juliette leaned back, glad Jaxon's presence shut Blaise up.

He gave everyone a brief on what they were doing, which pretty much was that that the students that showed immediate skill would be able to use the proper weapon that they chose last week.

It wasn't a surprise when Jaxon didn't chose Juliette from that list, meaning she was back to using the piece of wood that only seemingly resembled a knife.

"This is so stupid," Juliette muttered, throwing the knife at the target again. It didn't even make it close. It was late morning, and Jaxon stood watching her.

He had already spent a considerable amount of time with some girl earlier, and Juliette found she had to swallow her jealously. Green was not a nice colour on her.

"Put more power into it, I thought last time I showed you the proper technique," Jaxon ventured, a playful smile on his face. She wasn't in the mood for his mood, even if it was his birthday.

He managed to except her happy birthday wish with a sassy grumble. It didn't seem like he enjoyed the attention most students offered him when they gave the same good wish.

What a grump.

"Last time I put power into a throw, I ended up breaking two double glass windows," Juliette said, propping one hand on her hip while she used the other one to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She was sweating like she had just crossed a dessert in mid summer.

Royal Alpha Jaxon ✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें