Day Six

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Word Count: 2528

PLEASE READ *facepalm*

Okaayyy so I may have made a mistake, by accidentally updating day eight that is currently half way through being actually written!

The funny thing is that I needed to actually update day six before day eight even came out, so sorry for the inconvenience! I literally just forgot to lock my phone and put it in the back of my jeans.

So pretty much I butt published :/

Keep reading...!

Thanks for the great banner @xMakeItHappen (:

~Day six, Monday

"The early bird catches the worm!"

Yes, Juliette had kept to her promise, and had woken before Jazz again. Jazz sat up instantly, shooting a death glare at Juliette's figure.

"Please don't make a habit of waking me with witty Good Morning lines," Jazz grumbled, practically rolling out of bed.

"I'm not going to make any promises. Look, I found where you keep the towels," Juliette said, her smile growing. Jazz glowered at her.

"Great, do you want me to call up the Famous Five, I hear they have a spot opening to make it the Famous Six!" Jazz said sarcastically. Juliette rolled her eyes.

"No, but do you want to Shrink to deal with those anger issues you got going on," Juliette retorted, throwing a towel straight at Jazz's face.

"Can we shower already, I'm not a morning person," Jazz said, stalking to the door.

"Clearly," Juliette muttered under the breath before following Jazz. She grabbed her phone, scrolling through whatever app she was on.

"Move," Juliette hissed, pushing at Jazz, who had stopped in the doorway. Slowly Jazz turned around, her mouth hanging open, her eyes glued to her screen.

"Holy shit," she breathed. Juliette tied to get a look at the phone, but Jazz kept dodging.

"What?" Juliette asked, clearly frustrated. Jazz looked up at her, eyes filled with confusion and shock.

"You and the Alpha King?"

Juliette felt dread spill over her, as she snatched Jazz's phone from her hands. Juliette took a long look at it, her eyes drinking in the picture on screen.

King's new She Wolf; just a fling?

Juliette's eyes trailed down from the news headline, and to the enlarged picture of the Alpha King, and Juliette making out on the middle of the field.

Juliette could feel the blood drain from her face.


Anyone could have seen this by now!

Her eyes took in the full article written about the picture:

Who is the Kings new mystery girl? Witnesses say they spotted the pair kissing late morning on Sunday, right after the Alpha King declared his love, and was rejected by Maya Green, a favourite in the pack.

Protesters state that this was the cause of Maya rejecting the King. Perhaps Maya was being threatened? The identify of the Kings new She Wolf is still uncertain, and if you happen to nothing of the girl, or their relationship, please contact the number below.

Juliette gaped at the writing, her eyes swimming with emotions.

"They made me seem like the bad guy! This was such a mistake."

Royal Alpha Jaxon ✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora