Day Fifteen

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Word Count: 2373

-Day Fifteen, Friday

A jolting pain in Juliette's side woke her from her slumber. She groaned and rolled over, her hand finding her side.

It was wet. Juliette screamed and retracted her hand, looking to see it covered in her own blood. Juliette looked down, and screamed again when she saw she was stark naked.

And in the middle of the woods.

She looked around, her eyes searching for something, anything. This was surely a dream, and her dreams always had some moral.

Suddenly Ace stumbled into view, his black eyes wide with fury. He looked at Juliette, who backed away till her back was against a tree. Juliette tried covering herself, afraid of him seeing her naked. He was shirtless, his torso covered in scratches and cuts, blue blood weeping from the wounds.

"Kill him Juliette, show me that our love is forever," Ace muttered, his head lolling to the side. He pointed lazily at the tree behind Juliette, his eyes glazed and impassive.

Juliette turned her head slowly, coming face to face with a pair of knees. She scooted back across the ground, and looked up to see Jaxon tied to the tree. Delani was alive and standing beside him, holding the knife to his throat.

"Kill him Juliette..." Ace repeated. Jaxon was watching Juliette, his eyes wide and scared. He looked so alive, so real that Juliette felt a blast of fear, like this dream could be real. He was sweating, and it was obvious he was scared.

"Delani, let him go," Juliette begged, looking at Delani's calm expression. Her eyes were glazed as well.

"Juliette, kill Ace and me and Delani will live," Jaxon ordered, his voice strained. Juliette stood, stumbled slightly, and regained her posture. Juliette gasped, as she realized she was holding a knife. It glistened with fresh, Lycan blood.

She had to wake up, she had to.

She ran up to Ace, and without thinking, she closed her eyes and plunged the knife into Ace's shoulder.

It was when she heard the strangled gasp and cough she opened her eyes. She was staring at Jaxon, his silver eyes wide and open with fear and surprise.

He fell to the ground in front of Juliette, holding the knife in his shoulder.

It was then that she realized she had woken up.

"Jaxon no!" she screamed, falling to her knees. He gazed up at her, the life drining from his eyes.

"You stabbed me..." he whispered. He coughed and a trail of blood trickled down the side of his mouth. Juliette felt numb, she couldn't even absorb what she had just done.


Juliette brushed the hand that was on her shoulders off, and concentrated on Jaxon.


Juliette gasped as she felt a hand slap her across the face. She felt like a bucket of water had been poured on her, and she was whisked back into the waking world.

She blinked a few times, seeing Jaxon disappear from right in front of her eyes. Instead, she was looking straight into the black eyes of Sophie, the healer.

She gasped, feeling tears fall down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked, frowning slightly. Juliette could feel her heartbeat almost painfully against her rib cage. She shook her head, images of Jaxon dying still locked in her head.

Royal Alpha Jaxon ✔️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن