Book one: Chapter four

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Luigi's POV

"Luigi work with her for the mean time. I'll personally make sure, you get a new assistant." My father said for the millionth time since I came into his office. I can't fathom why he's so adamant on changing that dumb ass of an assistant I have at my side of the company.

I've been gently coaxing him to change his mind and it has yielded nothing. It's about time I play the hard way, "fine dad, if you won't change her now. Consider me an resigned employee till you get me a new assistant."

I smirked at him, angling my head to look at him straight in the eyes. It's either he changes her now or I go by my word. My father needs me more than I want to be around this company. He will surely not refuse me, I've baited him in a way he can't get out. An applause for the smartest ass!

"Fine, I'll get you a new one by the end of the day." He huffed in annoyance and in defeat, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's about time, I'll meet you at the conference room in five minutes." I stood up from my seat with an air of confidence. I'm a very important personality here. Father says my success and glory in the entertainment world is good for business. Almost everyone would want to do business with the youngest and best actor alive with the good looks for publicity and branding and brains for more innovative projects. That's the main reason why I'm here, to use them to send our company to the greatest heights.

My old man really loves money. It's not his fault, he was born with a silver spoon and at a young age was given the responsibility of  running this company till it became who it is today, a top brand and a household name here and the world round.

I'm planning on taking it to greater heights and for that to happen, I need a change of personal assistant and a breathing space away from these cheap slutty women at the company. I know all of them, they're all the same. Flirting until you take them to bed and start catching feelings and afterwards, worm their way into enjoying wealth they didn't sweat for.

That's one reason why I don't do relationships. I do flings and friends with benefits kinda think. They're way easier than relationships and there's no catching feelings.

Zuri's POV

Today there were hushed whispers around the office, the arrogant son of our boss has started work at the company. Many of the ladies here during breakfast and lunch we gushing over him. Admiring him mostly for his popularity as an award winning actor for many years and his god like physique.

I overheard a group of women who were beside my table talking about him.
"God! Seriously I'll definitely be his hoe just to get a piece of that body." I was highly disappointed at her weak and cheap thinking. How can you willingly make up your mind to be a hoe for an arrogant bastard like him. Geez some women need vaccinations of common sense.

Her friend wasn't any better. "I'm thinking of going to the Victoria Secrets store downtown to buy some sexy thongs and go shopping for seductive clothing after work. I'll wear them tomorrow and go to his office with the excuse I've been sent to him and seduce him. No man turns down a body like this." She ran her fingers on her body, licking her lips.

I huffed in my seat, really? Oh no ladies now are so cheap. The body she's so proud of, girl some people like us have it more yet don't use it for sinful pleasures in our spinster days.

I had to finish up my meal quickly and get out of our cafeteria. The shameful comments and whispers around me made me want to gag and afterwards tell them a piece of my mind.

My colleague and only friend at work, Jason, laughed at me the entire time. Telling me I would soon be saying stuffs like that once I set my eyes upon him. I've met him and I know his face, yeah he's fine and all but that doesn't mean, I should go out of my way in seducing him and get him to sleep with me all for what? Some minutes or hours of pleasure that leaves guilt and shame afterwards? No thank you, I'm way better than that.

"I'll see you after work erh." I parted ways with Jay, walking briskly to my desk. My boss has a meeting with the other boards of directors in some minutes to officially introduce his son to them as an employee. He required me to be there and take notes.

The door to my boss' office squeaks open, revealing the devil himself. He passed by without saying a word and walked away with his naughty steps. I didn't miss the disgusting look he sent my way.

Honestly, I don't think I'll last a minute working under someone as cocky as him. His stares degrades you further in his eyes and from what I've heard of him, he's definitely going to be a grumpy and hard to please boss.

His father isn't the most nicest boss but he's not bad either. He's just like his son but in a more toned down way. I fished my usual meeting notepad out of my drawer and took a pen. Placing it neatly in the middle of the pad, I take swings from my bottled water and walked off to the conference room.

Once again I met, the devil himself at the entrance. He didn't look at with disgust like before, simply passing by without a word. Why I'm I not surprised? It's so like him. He opened the door to the room and banged it in my face. Had I not taken a step back, I'll be on my way right now to the company's infirmary with a swollen forehead.

Taking my seat right beside my boss, I glanced around, ticking attendance of those who were present and when I was done closed my book and sat down quietly waiting for the meeting to commence.

My boss stood up, clearing his throat. He scanned the directors and when he was satisfied, opened his mouth, addressing them. "I welcome you all to this meeting. I'm aware there's not supposed to be a board meeting for this month. Something came up which you all know, my son here.." he gestured to his son who sat there with a bland look, "he has joined the company and starting from today, he's taking the position of the Chief Executive Officer of this company. Before you ask questions, I have to make you aware, I'll still be active but you all have to deal directly with him in all matters."

"Is he aware of the work load on his shoulders now? This is not an audition or a movie scene. I want to know if he knows what entails a corporate world." Mr Scott Allan asked with disdain written all over his face.

"Yes he's very much aware of his responsibilities, that's why I said I'll still be active. If he has a difficulty, he can come to me anytime and I'll help."

Another man put before the directors his view on the matter. Many others joined in, I stole a glance at the devil himself. He sat in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table, unperturbed a bit at the discussion about him going round the table.

I averted my eyes, looking down on my paper to prevent being caught. I haven't written much besides the attendance and some relevant points, three men put forward.

The meeting was finally done and over with. I breathed out relieved, it got boring when it was nearing the end. Majority of the board members are not keen on their idea of devil himself taking the position as the CEO. My boss had to drill into their skulls, the fact that he owns the company and majority of the shares in it. Entitling him to do what we he feels right and wants.

The directors shut up. Their shares in the company can be easily bought by the children of my Mr Gianni, my boss. I don't know much about them but I've heard they're very rich. A typical example is our newest CEO here who thinks his money and him matters more than others. Such people make me sick, they make me want throw up all my food on their face and afterwards tell them to go and drown themselves in the Pacific Ocean.

If I ever fall in love God, please not one of these snobby wealthy people. I can't say I hate them Lord but to be frank with you Father, I don't like them much. I sighed and gathered my things before I left, Mr Gianni's voice ordered me to clear the rest of his schedule. What a blessing in disguise, I can have the rest of the day to myself and learn on the company's laptop. Yippeeeee!

Finally given you how these two main characters see and feel about those in their opposite social class. Can love brew between them?🤔

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