Book two: Chapter thirteen

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This chapter came a little late, been hella busy lately that I'm thinking of updating three times a week☹️

Zuri's POV

"Lui! Lui! Baby no, don't you dare leave me alone, fight!" I told Lui and prodded him as I choked on my tears. He had been put on a stretcher and about to be wheeled into the ambulance.

"Get your filthy hands off my son!"

I chose not to give attention to what she said. She has told me that so many times this evening after behaving so crankily with me that I care less what else she says or does. Nothing she's going to say will prevent me from being with my baby at this crucial time that he needs me the most.

Mrs Gianni glared daggers at me when I didn't talk back but continued standing there with my back to her like she didn't even say anything.

I was holding Lui's hand all this while, I kept bringing it to my lips and kissing it with my all as if that was going to revive him back to consciousness.

I inched a little towards the head of the medical personnel. "Can I come too? I'm his fiancée." I inquired, wiping my wet cheeks and stared at Lui. My heart was sinking deeper and deeper after every look, I feel like I'm losing my life too. My poor baby.

"Ofc ma'am you can." He replied, giving me a small smile and looking at me pitifully, he signaled his other team members to get down to business.

"No you cannot, I will never allow you anywhere near my son! It is because of your bad luck that my son is in this condition!"

"Leave the poor girl alone, my dear let's go."

"I meant it when I said I wouldn't allow her anywhere near my son! Don't you dare move an inch or you'll be responsible for what will come at you."

"It's alright dear, you can go home now.. don't worry I'll update you on everything and you can come to the hospital tomorrow. Go and get some sleep, you've been through a lot tonight."

"I can't sleep when the love of my life is fighting for his life in the theater, I'll come with you anyhow."

"Shh, I don't know what has come over her but I'll advice you not to cross her so please do as I said, you can come to the hospital tomorrow. By then everything will be fine."

"Hmm okay, please look after him. Please his life is in danger and we can't take any risk, don't allow any stranger into his room, please."

"I assure you that my dear, we shall meet there." Mr Gianni finally said and tapped my shoulder before squeezing it. The man was badly beaten by what has happened yet he's trying to appear strong and console me.

I nodded and reluctantly took steps backwards away from the ambulance which had been called to pick Lui up to the hospital. With tears brimming my eyes and some running down my cheeks, I stood sideways, hoping to get a glance of Lui before his stretcher is finally put in the ambulance and I did.

My poor baby was lying on the stretcher, almost lifeless. His skin keeps getting paper and paler, which makes me cry the more. I raised my head and look towards the sky, swallowing thickly. "God why? Why did this have to happen to Lui, why? It should have been me on that stretcher and being wheeled into an ambulance. What did he ever do?!"

I cried out in extreme pain and agony, beating my forehead repeatedly. No matter how hard I refused to believe it, it was true. Lui has truly been shot in the neck and he is now battling for his life.

An innocent man is paying for what he has no idea of and all this is because of the masked man. I have a very strong feeling he and his crew are responsible for this and I'm going to find out. I couldn't be there to protect him and take the bullet in his place but I owe him that favor of finding who his hitman is.

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