Book one: Chapter thirty eight

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Zuri's POV

I woke up today to my phone blasting my ears due to an incoming call and saw Lui fast asleep, unperturbed by how loud the phone was ringing.

I picked up the minute I took the phone from the bedside table to prevent it from blasting my ears more and even worse wake Lui up, he's really tired.

"Good morning to you." I said to whoever was on the other side.

"More like good afternoon, soon to be Mrs Ginnai." It turned out to be Azzy, my idiotic bestie.

"Is this why you called?" I didn't mean to be rude but I'm tired from the show and party last night, we got home like 5 am today.

"Rude Zu, it's not just about that. It's about you being an internet hit since last night, curvy girl inspirational woman, newest curvy model and the fiancée of Luigi Gianni, girl you're shooting higher than the highest viewed box office movie."

"Sorry Azzy, I'm kinda tired." I unconsciously yawned loudly, covering my mouth with the back of my hand as I said that.

"I know baby but I couldn't wait to tell you're a hit. Didn't tell me you're into modeling, I would have managed you longest and we will be cruising around the world cause we're filthy rich." Azzy let out that ugly laughter of hers that I've grown to have toI.

"It wasn't anything deep just a catwalk and words I had to coin out at the last minute. It was a rush, nothing I've put my mind to."

"Seriously Zu, what you did is deeper than you think, there are lots and lots of girl out there who're trending your vid. You know why?"

"No, blow my mind."

"Cause you inspire them idiot."

"Oh really?" I yawned, asking her. I was still sleepy and wanted nothing more than to get back to bed.

"It's your sleep talking, I'm going to call you later in the evening."

"We'll be home today, don't worry I'll see you Okay best friend?"

"Yes boo, be good and no funny business."

"Yes mama, now get off my phone and let me get some sleep." I hanged up the phone, laughing. This girl is an idiot but caring, she sometimes behaves like my mama by lookinv out for me and all.

"Someone's happy this morning." Lui's raspy voice said as he snuggled into me. I didn't know he was awake and listening to me.

"Yeah cause I woke up to someone beautiful." Seeing Lui everything I wake up is a beautiful side to behold and I'll bet everything that I have to always get to see it.

Lui cocked his brows questioningly yet face mirrored amusement. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Puh lease Lui, I don't flirt." I waved my arm dramatically to dismiss his statement, I don't flirt with him I only tell him the truth.

"True, you're too innocent for that, who was that?"

"Azzy she was saying something about the show last night." I yawned again, infecting Lui with it too.

"Mnh what?"

"Baby not now, I wanna go back to sleep." I patted the space beside me, "Let's go to sleep puppy."

He rolled his eyes and scooted next to me, circling his hands around my waist. We both drifted off to sleep with me listening to his heartbeat. It wasn't regular!

Luigi's POV

I brewed a cup of coffee and one for my baby, we just woke up from our seven hours slumber. We were hella tired from the party yesterday or should I say dawn. The show ended like 10 and we went for the after party on Zuri's insistence.

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