The Cute Guy Prince Charming

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"You sure you're up for this today?" Drew asked me. He eyed me warily as he took his time to set up the camera.

Currently, I was sitting on a stool in an empty classroom with a charcoal backdrop behind me. Drew said it's because he doesn't want them to focus on anything else but who he interviews for his documentary. I think it's just because the classroom walls were an ugly shade of beige.

"Yeah, just nervous I guess," I shrugged. I began to pick at my nail polish some more while I waited. The pale yellow had been chipping this whole week. I knew one of my sisters would yell at me about it later. 

I wasn't being completely honest. I wasn't actually nervous for the interview. I figured Drew would ask me questions and then I would answer them. It was simple really. I just wish there could be other things that were that simple. 

It had been a week since Ash found out the big news and sworn me to secrecy. That night was also the first night Dylan had dinner with us. Overall it was a really overwhelming day looking back on it.

"You can't tell anyone Desi promise me," she sniffled as she gripped my jacket tight. 

"I promise," it was hard to muster out the words but they finally escaped my mouth.

"I don't know what to do," she whispered. It finally made sense. How she kept acting like everything was okay for the past few weeks. something always seemed off I just could never place what it was. 

"You have options you know that right? But no matter what I'm going to be by your side holding your hand every step of the way," I gave her a tight squeeze and she grabbed me tighter. 

"Hello earth to Desmond," Drew waved his hands in front of my face. 

"Why do you call me that? Desmond?" I swat at his hands while he chuckled turning away. He brought his attention back to his camera. I watched his hands work adjusting the lens again and again. Then how they began to fidget with the height of it all. He was very particular. 

"Well it's your name isn't it," he asked without losing a beat.

"Yes," I said.

"So there's your answer," he smirked waiting for the next challenge.

"Well is Drew short for Andrew?" I asked.

"Nope, just Drew."

"Oh," I nodded. I guess that made sense.

I didn't know what to talk to him about. Mainly because he didn't seem very open about things. Yeah, he was nice and annoying but he seemed closed off. It made me nervous, fidgety almost.

I didn't realize that I was biting my nails until I felt a sharp pain and taste blood. I shook my hand out to relieve some of the pain and wipe my tongue against my sleeve hoping he didn't notice. 

"Okay so I'll start recording ask you a few questions and we'll see what we're working with," he instructed me finally looking me in the eyes. He had a seriousness to him now. I was in his element, the intruder.

"Okay," I paused. "Hey what's your documentary even about?" I never even thought to ask him. How stupid of me. 


I must have a mortified look on my face because he began to laugh so hard he doubled over. When I finally snapped out of it and he calmed down I saw tears at the corners of his eyes.

"What," he coughed. "You weren't expecting that?"

"No not at all."

"What'd you expect?"

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