Someone's Gummy Worms

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"Where are you going?" Dylan looked at me in confusion after I told her I wasn't going home.

We just finished up creating a list of the items we needed to get for the baby shower this weekend with Cam's mom. She was a really nice women surprisingly. I didn't know why I expected her to be a snobby woman. I was glad I was wrong.

"There's something I have to do first," I gave her a subtle nod before getting into my car.

Drew said that I knew where to find him if I needed to talk. I don't know what I needed if I was being honest, but it felt right. At least I did need to tell him about college. I knew he would be excited for me. 

Things were still a little weird between us, but I didn't want to lose my friend. Even if it meant that I had to swallow my embarrassment. I could do it. Besides he was just a guy. We'd be going to separate colleges and I probably wouldn't see him again.

I took a big gulp of water at a stoplight forcing that thought out of my mind. I didn't want to never see or not talk to Drew again. I wanted to keep him in my life.

I drove the normal back road way to Drew's gym. Thankfully I didn't have to drive past work to be reminded that I would have to work with Nick this week. I still couldn't believe that guy.

He had a girlfriend the entire time. What I really didn't understand was how I didn't figure it out before, let alone suspect something was up. I was so wrapped up in being wanted by the most wanted guy that I didn't care to see past anything that might have been a red flag.

I guess that's what happens when you like a person. You can be blinded by them and you choose not to see the bad without even realzing.

What I think sucked the most about all of it was that Drew was right. The whole time he said that Nick wasn't a great guy he never said anything worse than that. I just didn't listen to him. Maybe I liked that he sounded jealous deep down. But I don't think it was jealousy at all, I think he was trying to protect me. 

And I'd been a damn fool.

As I got into the parking lot I noticed his car wasn't there. Maybe he parked in the back or something. I got out of my car anyway and walked up to the door but when I tried to open it, it was locked.


I guess I would just see him at school or something. I shrugged to myself before getting back in my car to head home. It had been a long day and I just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep.

Only when I pulled into my driveway I saw Drew leaning up against his car. Why was he here? He gave me a half smile with a casual wave. I nodded back as I parked my car.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him as I slammed my door shut.

"You didn't sound very convincing on the phone earlier," he gave me a small smirk. Not playful more of a lopsided smile the more I looked at it. It was my favorite face he made. 

He tilted his head beckoning me to join him as he grabbed something from his car and told me to sit on the hood. He joined me a few moments later tossing something in my lap.

I picked up the crinkley package and back at him I'm confusion. "Gummy Worms?"

"Not just any gummy worms," he teased me taking the package bag. He ripped it open and shoved it into my hands again. "Sour Gummy Worms. The elite of all candy."

"How'd you know I liked sour gummy worms?" I took and yellow and red one popping it into my mouth and sighed with delight.

"I sit with you everyday at lunch. I've listened to you and Scar having a thirty-minute conversation on which gummy worm flavor is the most superior," he chuckled reaching for one.

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