Never be the Chaser

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Tonight was the night. My big night of burgers and milkshakes with Nick. Scarlett had been preparing me for it all week saying random facts she found out about Nick. Like the fact that he hates grape jelly or that he never dots his I's.

I thought the whole thing was a little ridiculous but I couldn't help but smile every new fact she brought up. She was even doing it now as she and Quinn raided my closet. Tory was sitting behind me curling my hair.

"We're going for a messy undone vibe," she told me in between curls. I just shrugged and continued to check my phone. I didn't really care how I looked if I was being honest. He's seen plenty of versions of me when we worked together.

I was waiting for Ash or mom to send us a sonogram picture of the baby. Yep. We were finally addressing the little jelly bean. They were at the doctors and they were getting an ultrasound so we were all waiting for the update.

My phone vibrated and I jerked so fast Tory yanked my hair. I gave her the side-eye but she just clipped the iron towards me as a warning. Turned out it was from Drew and not my family.

Have fun on you're date tonight 🤪

It's not a date!!

If he pays for it, it's a date.

We made a bet he owes me!

Whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better, but it's totally a date Desmond.

I rolled my eyes shutting my phone off. I didn't want to deal with Drew any longer than I already had today. We spent the whole afternoon interviewing people after school including myself.

"Who were you smiling at?" Tory asked grabbing another piece of hair.

"No one?"

"Des you were literally smiling at your phone like an idiot and then rolled your eyes. Who was it? Omg was it Nick?" She squealed.

"What about Nick?" Scarlett called.

"Just that he's making Desi smile over text!"

"No," Quinn and Scar gasped at the same time popping their heads out of the closet.

I should have been setting the record straight between all of them, but seeing how excited they were I couldn't. Plus they thought that I was smiling and being a total ditz over it. They would completely lose their mind if I told them it was Drew. I was so tired of explaining to everyone that we were just friends.

It would be like telling a child Santa wasn't real. Was I really comparing my friends and sisters to a Christmas metaphor? Yeah, but it was all the same.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I screamed unlocking my phone to accept the FaceTime call.

"There's little jelly bean," my mom cooed pointing the camera towards the sonogram.

"Oh wow it's a tiny human," Tory whispered. I heard more footsteps coming towards us. Quinn's boney fingers gripped my shoulders giving me a squeeze.

"That's so weird it's in her stomach," Quinn said in awe. It was weird, but also completely and totally amazing.

"Oh ash," I cried. "I wish I was there to hold your hand," I admitted. It was true. I would have felt the same way if any of my sisters, or even Scarlett were in the position.

It was just a little bittersweet I guess. I was so used to doing everything with my sisters or Scarlett. We were always there to hold each other's hands for anything. Now, this was something that Ash was doing on her own. Of course, mom was there but I suppose it the fact that we all can't be there for every milestone anymore. That's what really began to hit me.

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