Dylan Sucks at Baking

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"Oh my god there you are," Tory scolded at me in a hushed tone rushing me into the kitchen. "Dylan burnt the first batch and Ash is upstairs throwing up from the smell. Its a shit show in there go do something about it."

"Me? Why me?" I whined.

Truthfully I didn't know why they were awake it was close to 1 in the morning. I was really looking forward to coming home and going to bed. After having a mock fight with Drew I was tired. At least I got one good hit in. I was starting to think he let me hit him, but I'd still take that victory.

"Because you're the next oldest so you can tell Dylan she sucks," she insisted. I really couldn't argue with that.

I don't say anything else but I let her guide me into the kitchen. All the windows were open even our sliding back door. Our mom would be so mad if we woke her up and she saw all of this.

"Everything okay?" I looked at Quinn for the real answer. Quinn was always so bluntly honest that you couldn't expect anything less from her. I was even surprised that Tory admitted Dylan's poor baking skills.

"Yes," Dylan smiled at the same time Quinn blurted no.

"Okay so we had a rough patch the first go around, but the second round I think will be much better.

"What are you even making cookies for anyway?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"They were I'm sorry cookies," she braced. "For you."

"Me?" I eyed her. "Why what did you do? Were you the one to steal my new shoes, I knew it!"

"No, I didn't take your shoes your feet are too big. It was because of our fight. I just felt so bad and you wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. I just needed to do something. I'm your big sister and I have been acting like a complete jerk since everything happened," she looked at me with her big eyes. They were begging for forgiveness.

I had already forgiven her and gotten over it like a week ago. I didn't really feel like carrying the anger anymore. But she hadn't reached out until now. We were sisters and sisters fought. It's what we did in our house.

"Thanks, Dyl," I smiled walking towards her. I wrapped her in the biggest hug and held her close. I missed this Dylan. "You're the best."

"Just wait until you have my apology cookies," she squealed.

I went to join Quinn and Tory sitting cross-legged on our kitchen island. It was my favorite part of the kitchen. A giant ass island in the middle of it. I could lay across it and there still be room for so many things.

"I didn't know you had Seth Meyers as your history teacher this year," Tory nudged me.

"Yeah and homeroom," I shrugged trying to keep my voice down.

"Wait, who? Seth who?" Quinn asked a little too loud.

"Wait Seth Meyers teaches at your school? Wow," Dylan whispered. "I knew he wanted to teach but I just didn't think it would be high school."


"He was always good with kids," she smiled sadly to herself. I could already tell her mind was flooded with past memories.

Seth Meyers used to be friends with Dylan. They were the best of friends. Dylan always had a crush on him but she was too afraid to admit it. Then some of her college friends signed her up for the bachelorette as a joke. The producers contacted her, and she wasn't sure if she was going to actually do it.

She went to ask Seth for advice on what to do. She thought that this would be the chance to admit her feelings, or see if he cared about her in any way more than a friend. When he seemed standoffish and didn't care whether she did it or not she took it as a sign to do it. So she left. They haven't spoken since.

"I didn't want to mention it," I whispered towards Tory giving her the look.

"Have you talked to him Dyl?" Quinn didn't really know too much about what happened but it never hurt to ask.

"Oh no no no," she shrugged. She began to take all the dishes to the sink trying to keep busy. Really she was just trying to be distracted. When she didn't want to deal with her emotions she found something else to occupy her brain.

"Maybe you should," Ash muttered walking in.

"You okay?" I looked at her. She nodded her head and sat on the counter across from us. Her little bump was there. She should be finding out what she was having soon. We were all so excited.

"No way, Seth hasn't spoken to me since before," she muttered nervously.

"Have you tried to talk to him?" I asked her. She shook her head back and forth. Ugh, this girl was ridiculous.

"Can you please just do something for yourself?" Ash groaned.

"What are you talking about? I went on the show for myself and look at how it turned out!" Dylan shrieked at her. We all shushed her and she rolled her eyes back at us.

"No you went on the show because your friends signed you up as a joke," Quinn pointed out. Dylan looked at me and Tory for help but we just stared at her.

"Look Dyl we all love you, but you deserve to be happy," Tory told her sympathetically.

"Besides you never told Seth how you actually felt so it's not fair to hold anything against him when he didn't know," I told her. I felt like I was lecturing her.

Love was stupid. I didn't get it. This is why I refused to let myself get too close to someone. It makes you dumb.

"I think I just need more time," she shook her head directing her attention back towards the oven. The timer on the microwave was about to go off, so Dylan shut it off early.

She put on some oven mitts excitedly and took the cookies out of the oven. While she placed them on a plate we all spoke excitedly about how to announce the gender to Ashton.

At first, she didn't want to know at all until the little chicken nugget was born. Somehow we convinced her we could have a little family gender reveal at the house. It didn't need to be anything huge, but something special for her.

I think she was just afraid to actually admit that she was having a baby. It was a little weird to see Ash go through it. Still, we were making the best out of everything and we're here to support her through it all. She was our family. Our parents still told her she had to finish high school. She worked part-time at my mom's dental office at the front desk.

She would continue to work to help support herself and after she graduated high school they would help her figure it out from there. Whether it was working full time or go to college. Our mom always said we would figure it out, and that's what our continued motto will be.

"No, I already said Des gets the envelope and no one else. That is final." She demanded, crossing her arms.

I sat there smirking at all the girls. I was excited she chose me to handle the envelope. Mainly because she knew I wouldn't take a peek into it. I wanted to be surprised like everyone else. We decided to have a cake made. Dylan would get different color balloons to decorate. Tory and Quinn were in charge of food. All our parents and Ash had to do was show up.

"Okay quit your bickering and groaning the cookies are ready," Dylan clapped offering each of us one. We all took an enormous bite.

"Oh my god these are horrible," Quinn spit. Ash hopped off the counter and ran out of the kitchen.

"They're not that bad," Tory winced.

"You switched salt and sugar again didn't you," I asked letting the cookie fall out of my mouth. God, this was gross. I tried so hard to not gag.

"I think so," Dylan frowned as she spit out the crumbs.

"You really suck at this," Quin groaned.

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