An evening to remember.

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Her body moved with the music and her smile was genuinely full of joy as she twirled over the dance floor.
Markus stood by the rest of the androids, ready to oblige their owners wishes.
They had been there for several hours now. At first they had been listening to speeches about some incurable decease and the research they needed for finding treatment, apparently that's what they where raising money for.
All this time he'd been standing there against the wall, in a long line with his fellow machines.
He'd only left his spot to help Carl to the restroom or find him a napkin or trivial things like that.
Half an hour ago the dinner and the donations where over and music had filled the room.
A young man had instantly walked up to Amanda and asked her to dance.

Markus couldn't take his eyes off her, he realised he'd never seen her that happy before.
With a frown on his face he reminisced her asking if he could dance. What was really her intention with that question? Did she really want to dance with him? Or was it her way of mocking him for his lack of knowledge? Sometimes he wasn't sure about her. She had what people would describe as a good heart, but her ironic humor and sharp comments really made him wonder at times.

"Markus." He blinked a few times and turned his attention to Carl who called his name from the table.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Will you prepare the car? I'm tired."

"Of course Carl."

He immediately pushed a spot by his ear and sent the message to the garage to bring their car to the front door.
Carl waved at his daughter and finally got her attention. Markus watched her laugh and chitchat with the young man for a while before she left him at the dance floor.

"Father, is everything okey?"

"Yes, yes... I'm only tired."

Markus left to fetch their coats and when he came back Amanda instantly walked up to him and he helped her with the elegant red coat. She turned her head slightly and whispered to him "is he really okey?"

Markus nodded "He needs his medication and some rest, he'll be fine Amanda."

As they were walking out of the elegantly decorated hall Amanda peered at her father. "Did you enjoy the evening dad?"

The old man sighed "Not really."

"Did I behave?" She snickered.

"You did good sweetheart. Maybe some political debates would have spiced up the evening though."

"Don't encourage her." A man chuckled from behind and Amanda turned slightly to meet his gaze.

"Charles Hammond, what on earth are you doing here?"

"Writing an article about this fabulous evening" he smirked.

"Oh, well good for you." She answered without any sincerity in her voice.

He eyed her up and down "you haven't changed much, still as feisty as ever." He winked at her with an even bigger smirk on his lips "you should come down to the Stratford Tower, might have a job for you over there."

"I'll think about it Charles."

"Good. See you later then."

Rolling her eyes she grabbed Markus arm and held it with one hand, leaning her head against his shoulder she rose her right hand only to flip the man off.

"Amanda." Her father sighed but both she and the journalist snickered at her actions, clearly he wasn't offended and must have known her quite well.

"Have a good evening." He called after them and walked inside the hall.

"Come on, I want to go home." Her father sighed impatiently.

With her arm still hooked around Markus's they walked towards the car. "How was your evening then Markus?" She mumbled low her mouth close to his ear.


She raised her eyebrow and peered thoughtful at him. "Put my father to bed and I'll teach you to dance." She smiled mischievously.

He looked down at her with an amused smile "aren't your feet tired already?"

"Never to tired to dance!"

As they entered the car she reluctantly let go of the strong arm that supported her. Human seats where in the front and android seats where in the back.

"So who was the young man you danced with?"

"Oh, you know that old lady who owns five of your paintings, her name starts with an ... ehm.. P? Well anyway he was her grandson apparently."

"Lady Beatrice Plumge?"

"Yes? .. maybe, I'm terrible with names."

"Aren't we all after a few glasses of wine" Carl snickered.

As the car arrived at the mansion Markus instantly helped Carl to take his medicines and get ready for bed. The old man looked far more exhausted then he would admit.

In the meantime Amanda kicked off her shoes and slipped into long t-shirt, put her hair up in a messy bun, to finally pour herself a new glass of whine. Making herself comfortable in the sofa and turned on the television, she impatiently switched from channel to channel, not finding anything that looked interesting enough.

"Carl has a big library of movies."

She turned her head to smile at the android that entered the room. "I'm not sure we have the same taste in movies."

Markus shrugged as he walked to the kitchen to take care of the dishes they had left in a hurry.

"Old westerns and war documentaries?"

"Not all the time." He chuckled "he's quite the romantic sometimes."



Turning off the tv, she moved to help him in the kitchen.

"Rest your feet." He objected.

"Why? I'm not tired" she smiled.

He didn't argue, he'd learned there's no use. And as the last bowl was placed in the cabinet she clapped her hands and called out "Music!"
And a soft tune started to play around them. Smoothly she placed her hands around his neck.
"Now you place your hands on my waist."
His eyes met hers and with a hint of hesitation he did what he was told.
"It's not difficult, just listen to the rhythm." And just like that she started to move slowly, racking her body from side to side. "Relax, your very stiff" she snickered.

"I'm a machine." He teased which made her look up at him with a hint of wonder in her eyes.

"You've developed a cute sense of humour Sweetheart."


"Yes, that's your new nickname."

"I see."

She moved closer to him and rested her head against his shoulder. "Do you feel it?"


"The beat in the music."


"It's like a heartbeat." She mumbled.

His arms tightened around her body and she closed her eyes as they continued to move slowly to the intoxicating song she'd chosen to play on repeat.

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