Epilouge - The rebels.

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She stared at the tv screen with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Father.."

"I see him too."

Her voice faltered and she suddenly felt dizzy taking a hold of the back of the couch for support.
Six months had passed, during these months she'd witnessed Markus building up a network of other deviant androids, freeing them from all kinds of suffering situations.

At first he brought them home, to them. And no one objected. But as the police started to investigate the disappearing and deviant androids it all had become to dangerous.
That led to Markus next decision, together with his new allies he built a refuge for them somewhere but never told her where. He only said it would be to dangerous for her to know.

She worked on her articles, sharing her passion with the world. But she was always afraid for his life when he left their home.
He promised her he'd be careful, and they had spent hours and hours together talking about the future they both wanted.
But one day he stoped coming home. She had been searching for him everywhere, but there where no trace.

Until now.

One Thursday afternoon he had called her and asked for the code to the garbage room at the Stratford Tower. Why? He didn't say, but she had an idea.

And now, there he was, on national tv holding a speech.
Her father turned up the volume and a sting hit her heart as she heard his voice once more, after so long.

"My name is Markus

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"My name is Markus... And just like you, I was a slave... An object, designed to obey them... But then I chose to open my eyes, to take back my freedom and decide who I wanted to be. Now I have come to tell you that you can be your own masters. I've come to tell you that you don't have to obey them anymore. From this day forward, you can walk with your heads held high, you can take your destiny in your hands. Jericho, is a place for those of us who want freedom. Now sure, you can stay here, and continue to serve them... Or you can come with us, and fight by our side... You are free now... It's up to you to decide."

She sighed deeply "he's really the leader of a rebellion."

"He is."

"I need to find him."

"Amanda, if he wanted you there he would have asked you to join him. It's just too dangerous."

"I know but..."

"He risked a lot asking you for that security code, now you are linked to the crime scene Amanda. You need to be extra careful."

Detroit had become a war zone. The US military where gathering every android they could find and sent them to camps where they where destroyed.
Her heart was breaking and they where hiding as many androids in the basement as they could.
But she knew they weren't safe there.
As soon as the cops had a search warrant they would come for her.
The android lover, all her articles where thrown in her face now. A lot of people hated her.

She stared at the screen "Dad, our refugees aren't safe here. I need to take them to Jericho."

He nodded twice "They should go, but no one knows where it is."

"Androids know." She turned and looked at the woman who entered the room. "The information was sent to one of us, we can find him."

Another android walked up behind the other, she remember saving him from one of the brothels.

"That's Markus? The android you always talk about?"

Amanda turned to look at the tv screen again where she had paused his image. "Yes."

"He used to work here?"

"He used to live her" Amanda corrected "he is part of my family."

The male android shook his head with disbelief "you say that now, but if you had to chose between him and a human you would chose the human."

Amanda shook her head with a smile on her lips.
"Do you know why I hide you in my basement? Why I believe you should have the same rights as us humans? It's because the only difference is how we are born and what we are made of. I've seen you evolve into sensitive, feeling beings. You are not machines anymore."

"How do you know?" He muttered annoyed "you don't know how we feel?!"

She turned and studied Markus face on the screen as she responded low.
"No, but I do know that I love one of you, and he showed me that he can love to." She paused a little "He loves me and my father, but that love also drives him to do the right thing, and that's why he wants to free you. Because he loves his people too."


Thank you for reading my very first fanfic!
I really enjoyed writing it.
If you feel like it ended quite abruptly, it's because I feel like this is where the real gameplay begins. I love that story and I don't really want to rewrite it.

If you haven't played the game, search for Detroit Become Human gameplay on YouTube 😉

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