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The fruit flew past his shoulder and hit the wall behind him, another came flying and the pear left a wet stain on his chest. Markus ignored it, instead he continued to swipe the floor and clean up the mess.

"Take this! You fucking piece of shit machine...!"
A vase hit the floor right in front of him.

Markus wondered if he'd ever get tired and leave. He peered at the young man sitting comfortably in a chair with his feet on the table, laughing at him and swearing, occasionally sending a piece of fruit his way. But he was out of fruit it seemed as a glass flew past him.
Markus felt a huge conflict growing inside him. He was definitely a threat. Should he call the police?

Maybe he should call Amanda? Should he wake up Carl? No he's to weak as it is.
He couldn't decide on what to do, what would be the right thing to do?
His program kept insisting on calling the police. He struggled with the thought, he didn't want to hurt his family. Thoughts kept spinning in his head, he is Amanda's brother, he can't call the police, he would get arrested. It might make things worse between Carl and his son.

Markus knew Leo had his issues with drugs and money. He'd heard Carl talk to him several times on the phone, trying to get him into rehabilitation. But he always refused.

"Hell yeah!! Bullseye!!"

Another glass, it hit him right in the head and made him stumble backwards.


Markus head turned to look at Amanda who was standing in the doorway with a terrified expression.
"Leo, what the hell!!?"

"I'm just having fun." The younger sibling snickered.

"That's far from okey, shit head." She rushed over to Markus to inspect the spot where he'd been hit.

"Oh your afraid I'd hurt your man of steel sis? Don't worry I'm just playing."

She frowned at him and rolled her eyes as she walked up to her brother and pulled out the chair. "Stand up!" She looked over at Markus "and you.. stop cleaning!"

"It's fine Amanda I'll..."

"NO! It's not fine!! Leo will clean his own mess...!" She said with a firm tone and went for the bin and poured the garbage out on the floor. "There you go.. clean it!"

"You fuckin-..."

"Shut your mouth! You did this! ... you clean it up!"
She spun around and looked at Markus "I'm sorry."

"It's fi-..."

"No, it's not.. you should change clothes and check on dad please." She watched the android leve the room and turned to look at her brother "start cleaning."

The young man muttered and walked up to the pile of garbage on the floor and started to pick it up one by one. "Android lover"

"Why does it bother you so much? If he's just a machine as you say, why do you care? Would you care if we spent all day watching tv instead?"

"It's not the same!"


"Fuck you!" He shouted and ran out of the room and out the front door.

"Great.." she sighed and stared at the mess. "I better clean this before dad sees it."

"Let me help you." She turned and noticed Markus, he smelled like a newly cleaned car and wore a new set of clothes.

She walked up to him and tilted her head to the side "are you okey?"

"He's right about the steel part" he winked but she shook her head "I didn't mean ..." she sighed again and surprised him by throwing her arms around his neck, holding him tight. "I'm sorry for my brothers actions Markus, you deserve better."

She felt his arms closing around her waist and how he gently pressed her body closer to his.

She noticed how his face closed in to the side of her head and how he inhaled the scent of her hair.
"... Yes?"

"Something happened.. " he whispered "I, I ignored my program."

She moved her head to meet his eyes "What do you mean?"

"I should have called the police.. he was trespassing and.."

"But you didn't... why?"

"He would go to jail."

She nodded a few times "Yes, you're probably right."

"I didn't want you or Carl to go through that pain."

"So you let him throw things at you instead." She mumbled low, clearly amazed of this new side of him.

"He can't hurt me."

She leaned against his shoulder and buried her face in the crook of his neck, hugging him tight. "You did the right thing Markus."

"That's what friends do, right?"

She chuckled "were more then friends Blue Eyes. We're family."

His fingertips gently touched her neck "family."

"Yes, you a-.."

"Markus!? Where are you?" Carl's voice echoed through the their ears.

"I forgot about your father" he gasped " I should go to him."

"Yeah..." Amanda heart raced inside as she reluctantly removed her arms from him and stepped back to continue to clean the mess.

"Should I tell him?"

"No, let me do it..." Markus gave her a short nod and left the room to help the old man with his morning routines.

As he stepped inside the dark bedroom he braced himself for all the questions he'd have to answer.
"Good morning Carl."

"Don't good morning me..! Tell me what's going on..."

"A garbage accident."

"A what?"

"Nothing to worry about, it's all cleaned up now."

"I see." He said looking unconvinced.

"Let me fetch you your medicine." Markus moved towards the cabinet and continued their daily routine. But his mind where elsewhere, all he could think about what's the softness of her skin and the sweet sent of Amandas hair.

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