Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Layla was dressed in a black fitted Sabrina top paired with a black leather pants and leather jacket hanging loose over her shoulder. Her blonde hair was curled up, finishing the look with a pair of black high heels and blood red lipstick. Looking very hot and sexy in those tight-fitting outfit, how was Shane holding up? He was wearing a similar outfit with black pants, white t-shirt and black leather jacket. They looked cute together with their matching costume from the movie Grease.

"That's really creative, Ally! Sneaky little you didn't even have to lose the glasses, huh?" She huffed, rolling her eyes while Ally grinned victoriously.

The side of the curb were filled with endless cars that they had to drive to the other block to get a parking space. Once they stepped out of the car, the sound of the bass was audible even from their distant location. After walking the distance that felt like a mile long, they finally arrived to the big house along with the rest of the people wanting to get into the house as well. There were few familiar faces and many new faces whom she assumed were from different school. As they started walking to the front porch of the house, Shane leaned towards Layla saying something which she cannot hear due to the loud music then Layla turned towards her.

"Stay close to me!" She yelled and held her hands as they walked into the living room. Alison was scanning the room looking for her friends when she saw Jason sitting on the couch getting comfortable with a brunette girl. She mentally rolled her eyes realizing that she was a different girl than the one she last saw. Ignoring the piqued feeling and kept walking towards the kitchen where she saw Zoe and Corey. Zoe was dressed as Harley Queen while Corey was dressed in black shirt with grey t-shirt underneath, jeans and a huge camera hanging on his neck.

"What are you supposed to be? Photographer?" Alison asked literally screaming to make sure she was heard over the loud music.

"That's right! All I need to do is to find my hot sexy muse!" He shouted back wriggling his eyebrow. Alison shook her head smiling.

"You looked sexy Harley!" Alison hugged Zoe.

"Drink!" Corey gave each of them empty plastic cups, then he poured vodka and soda into each cup and raised his own cup.

"Happy Haunting!" He yelled and down their drinks in one go while Alison was taking her sweet time sipping her drink.

"Jeez, is the apocalypse train coming already? Slow down! Light drinker here!" Alison reasoned.

"Let's dance!" Layla called out.

"I'd dance with you!" Shane offered taking her hands, Zoe joined in pulling Alison along the way towards the living room. Reluctantly she danced along, letting loose, enjoying the music and each other's company. She had been pressing down her emotions that it felt great to actually let herself go and truly enjoy her time with her friends. Sometime later, Ivy and Amber walked into the living room in their sexy police officer costume which leaves nothing to the imagination. Amber purposely bumped into Alison shoving her to the side making her stumbled and continued walking as if nothing happened. Alison scoffed and decided to take a break at the side, Zoe and Layla followed her. Shane brought them drinks which they gulped at once, thirsty from the moves they made.

"Ugh! I thought it was soda." Layla scrunched her nose which made Shane chuckled.

"Yeah me too." Alison exclaimed.

"Shoot, and I am a light drinker." She added. They continued enjoying their time at the party without realizing she had finished another drink and started to feel woozy.

"I'm done drinking. Hate being a light drinker." She whined, Zoe and Layla already had their nth drink and still looking very sober. Jason had just joined them planning to get a drink when she accidentally bumped into him, having too much energy to stay still.

"Look who's here, guys! It's Jason! Yay!" Alison yelled in wild exuberance.

"Okay. I need to go get some fresh air for a minute, I'm fine. I'm fine. You guys stay here and have fun, alright!" She told her friends raising both her hands up preventing them from accompanying her in an overly dramatic manner. She tried, keyword tried, walking towards the exit door which seemed to get further and further away, all the while trying to focus on the ground that seemed to be distorted as she tried to take each step. Studying her adverse attempt towards the door, Jason shook his head and smirked.

"I'm going out to get some fresh air too." Then Jason offered to help the staggering Alison by holding her waist making sure she walks straight but she continued to wriggle away from his grasp and kept giggling, ignoring his help. Finally, they made it out of the house onto the driveway.

"Where's the girl that you're with earlier?" She asked, remembering the sexy Egyptian brunette girl he was with earlier.

"Maybe with some guy, I don't know and I don't really care either." He said flatly.

"You are so mean." She said with much exaggeration.

"And you are so drunk, Ariel." He chuckled showing off his handsome dimples.

"And you are cute. Too cute." She sighed and scowled.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked taking off her glasses and placed her hands on her chin as if presenting her face as she smiled. Yes, you actually are.

"Am I not pretty enough? Is my heart too broken? Do I cry too much? Am I too outspoken?" She sang the song from Kasey Chambers.

"I used to want to be a dancer. Would you believe that?" She asked doing a double pirouette turn lifting on her sneakers and ended with a reverence, not comprehending what she just slipped to him.

"For real?" He asked surprised that she just did an amazing ballet move in her boots, for the first time noticing the carefree side of Alison that he'd not seen.

"Ah. But it doesn't matter anyway." She held back.

"Isn't it nice to be someone else for a change? Who do you want to be? Oh! Darth Vader!" She squealed staring back at his black Jedi costume giggling.

"Join me to the dark side. And you've watched Star Wars?" He impersonated.

"Suits you, Lord Jason. And FYI, I am a Star Wars fan. I mean who doesn't love that movie, right!" She straightened her arms out, parting her fingers apart imagining that she was using the force. They continued walking down a few blocks and decided to sit by the side of the curb. Still able to hear the bass from where they sat. Alison pulled her knees to her chest as she sat down sighing. He watched her drown in her own thoughts staring blankly into the darkness, her eyes filled with aching sadness.

"What are you thinking?" He finally asked wanting to peel away her guard and understand the depth of her complexity.

"I missed her so much. So much that it hurts... Even after all these times and it still hurts. Why does it still hurt so damn much? It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Leah... I'm sorry... I was selfish. I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for everything... I miss you..." She barely whispered the last sentence and continued to sob hiding her face on her knees. Jason was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do so he just held her close to him wrapping his arms around her as she cried, caressing her gently while she leans her head onto his broad shoulder. She was filled with so much sadness, trying so hard to hide her emotions and he just wanted to understand what was it that she tried so hard to hide. They continued to sit in each other's embrace ignoring the party going on behind them.

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