Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

"Thank you, Madam Moreau. See you tomorrow, Mrs. Alby." Alison bid the old lady goodbye and hobbled out of the studio as she would after every practice. She headed towards the café across the street to get her usual chicken pie when she noticed Loraine walking alone not far in front of her. She called her after making sure that she was alone.

"Hey, you're not with Rob or your brother?" She caught up with her as she staggered along the way.

"No, they're both busy so I'm taking the cab home today. What's wrong with your legs?" She noticed the odd way she was walking.

"Oh, too much practice. Just let me drop you off. I've nothing to do anyway." She offered.

"You sure? I don't want to trouble-"

"It's no trouble at all. But first, let me get my chicken pie before we leave, alright." She beamed or maybe even drooled at the mention of the chicken pie. They walked towards the café and made their way back to Alison's car. Turns out, Loraine's neighborhood was close by to hers, only about a ten minutes' drive away. This was the first time she went to Jason's house, she wondered why he never asked her to visit his place before.

"This is me. Thank you so much. Do you want to come in, have some hot tea? Sorry, we don't have hot chocolate." She pouted.

"It's alright. Maybe next time. Remind me to get you a packet of-"

"Loraine! Get in now!" A firm low voice yelled out, she turned to see a tall silhouette standing by the front porch looking incensed.

"Sorry. That's my dad, I kind of told him that I'd be home early tonight." She apologized.

"What? Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you needed to be back ASAP, the queue was incredibly long today. Let me walk with you and at least explain." She offered taking off her seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

"Where the hell were you?! Why isn't your brother taking you home? Oh, he'll get it once he's home." The man who seemed to be around fifties fumed, muttering the last sentence which Alison heard and wondered what was that supposed to mean.

"Good evening sir. I'm Alison. I apologize, I offered Loraine to drop her home but we went to buy the chicken pie which had a really long queue. It's my fault that she came home this late. I apologize for the delay, sir." She defended occasionally biting her lips, the man looked intimidatingly scary, although she could see the resemblance with Jason, they were both equally big and tall but he had blonde hair like Loraine unlike Jason's brown hair.

"Fine, although it's supposed to be Jason's responsibility, what kind of a brother is he, he can't even do a simple thing in this house."

"I think he is an amazing brother, it amazes me how he always takes care of her, maybe he's caught up with something today, sir." She blurted out unconsciously having the urge to defend him which she regretted immediately once she saw his eyes darkened at her defense.

"What do you know? You should just-" He retorted before being cut by another familiar voice.

"What's going on? Why are you here?" Jason said from behind them, noticing the tension between them.

"I apologized once again, sir, I didn't mean to pry. I was just dropping her off. I best be going then. I'll be taking my leave. Sir." She nodded towards the man, Loraine and gave a quick glance to Jason before turning to hobble back to her car as quickly as she could.

Oh my god! You stupid, stupid, nosy girl! Why would you say that to him! Why do you even say anything at all! You've nothing better than to make Jason's dad angry? Isn't making Jason angry enough? Lord, help me!

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