Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jason was lying on his bed recollecting on what happened last night.

"I miss you... Even after all these times, it still hurt..."

They continued staying in each other's embrace until he noticed that she had stopped crying and actually fell asleep on his shoulder. He notified Shane and Layla that he'd send her back home. Wrapping her arm over his neck, he placed one arm on her back and the other over the back of her knees, leaning her head on his chest. He carried her small frame into his car, pulling the seatbelt over her. He looked at her peaceful beautiful face that held so much sadness, such desolation. Wanting to comprehend. She intrigued him. Not only was she stunningly gorgeous, she has the personality that no one have, she was confident, she was bold and she was different from the girls he had met. He parked in front of Alison's house, after being informed by Layla that the front door was left unlocked, went inside as quietly and as slowly as he could, scuffling through the doorway, trying to unlock and then closing the door with Alison in his arms. Carried her to the second floor and gently laying her on the bed. Thankfully, it was the right room. Before he walked out of the room, he noticed a pile of clothes including skirts and dresses on the chair, as well as high heeled shoes on the floor. Odd. He dismissed the thought and left home.

He did not know what Alison was going through, but he does understand heartache. He knew how it feels to lose someone, lose trust and slowly numb the heart so as not to feel the heartache. His mother had left them for another man, for another child, for another family, leaving him with his broken-hearted father, and his sister who does not understand why her dear mother no longer came to tuck her to bed every night. All the while, trying to fabricate excuses for his little sister hoping not to break her little fragile heart that his mother had done to him. Forcing him to grow up and become the stronghold for his family so it would not break any further. That might be the reason why he felt insecure.

However, somehow with Alison, he felt that she was genuine, unfeigned and unique. She seemed different from anyone he had met. She dares to stand up to him unlike the other girls who simply follow through with everyone and everything just to be accepted. Whilst, she was bold enough to express her thoughts, she was fearless and amazingly beautiful, she was Alison and he can't seem to get her out of his mind.

Alison squinted her eyes to the bright sunlight, stretched her aching body, held her pounding head and realized that she was on her bed. Her mind was lost, her stomach felt nauseated and her body felt heavy. She looked around trying to put together the fragments of memories she had left of yesterday.

OH MY GOD! How did I get home? We were dancing, we were drinking, then I was outside, walking along the curb with... JASON?! What! I think we were talking or me just blabbering nonsense all the way. Then, what? How did I get home? Oh god, oh god, oh god!

She looked down to herself and was thankful that she still had her stained clothes from yesterday, though she did lose the wand and the glasses. Took a cold shower, changed into an oversized T-shirt and shorts, she went downstairs to get breakfast, no, lunch since it was already almost noon, drank Advil and went back to sit down on her bed trying to think and recollect the sparse memories she had about yesterday.

"Layla! How did I get home?" She spoke to the phone.

"Oh, hello to you too. Yesterday I wanted to take you home but Jason insisted that he drove you home since he's been to your place anyway. I already threatened him not to try anything stupid to you but yeah, I knew and trusted him so yeah. Me, Shane and Rob got to stay back to help clean out Corey's place last night. Do you not remember?" Layla explicated clearly munching on something.

"What? Oh gosh! I only remembered being outside with him and then I think I kept talking and talking and I honestly can't even remember what I talked about and that's it." Alison replied biting her lips.

"Wow. You really are a light drinker, huh? Well, maybe you should give Jason a call and asked him about it." Layla continued munching.

"Gosh what exactly are you eating, Chewbacca! I can hear it even from here." Alison retorted.

"Jeez, someone's a grumpy hangover. I'm eating crackers, want some?" She replied and they ended the call while Alison was conflicted whether she should call Jason or not. She remembered he was with a girl last night, then what was he doing with her outside? How did I get outside? Gosh this is really frustrating! Should she just ignore and pretended she doesn't have a clue or should she give him a call and asked him about last night, the least she could do was to thank him for driving her home, so she chose the latter.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Uhm, how did I get home, last night?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

"Well good afternoon, Ariel, or morning if you just awoken. So, what did you remember last night?" He asked teasing.

"Uhm... I remembered going to the party, the dancing, the drink, went outside. And... Yup, that's about it." She said confidently.

"Wow!" He exclaimed chuckling.

"Ow! Tone down the volume, please! Woodpecker's currently residing in my head." She complained.

"So, you don't remember what happened after you went out the house?" He asked.

"No, what did I do? Gosh..." She waited nervously.

"You don't remember... the kiss?" He expressed as she stayed completely silent, with her jaw hanging open.

"And what you told me about your feelings towards me?" He continued very slowly and carefully, she remained silent, biting the back of her fist she placed to cover her gaping mouth, internally cursing in all the most horrific words in all the languages she knew.

"And you kept... groping me." He added.

"Oh my god! You're kidding me! I'm being serious and you are kidding me! You're such an annoying, exasperating, maddening, infuriating-"

"Calm down, Ariel. You're going to run out of adjectives now."

"Ugh! I know for a fact that I would not have done that!" She affirmed and he laughed loudly at her reaction.

"So, which part is it that you've never done? Just the groping part or the kissing part?" He teased and she groaned in frustration.

Then, he explained that they went out for fresh air where she skipped and giggled the whole walk and fell asleep soon after they sat on the curb and he sent her home. Deliberately leaving out the part where she cried her hearts out that night. She thanked him for the lift and ended the call soon after.

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