Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The next day, Alison dreaded going to school and even thought of calling in sick to Madam Moreau but unfortunately the guilt was greater since Madam Moreau had been especially kind and understanding towards her. Stomping down the stairs with her ballet outfit in her bag, she snatched a granola bar then went to school as her mother dropped her off to school. Walking from the carpark, she saw Anna by her locker and walked towards her when suddenly she noticed white powder falls over, dusting Anna from head to toe once she opened the locker. Some of the students around her were laughing loudly while some gave a sympathetic look.

"Oh, not you too, Anna. You should know better than to do drugs." Amber sneered from across her locker with Ivy laughing beside her.

"Especially in school." Ivy added.

"Seriously? Don't you ever get enough?" Alison exasperated as she took out a wet tissue from her bag giving it to Anna.

"We are as shock as you are." Amber gave a shocking expression towards her.

"I know you did it. So, drop the act." She attested trying to tamped down the anger.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Gregory walked towards them looking at the white powder covering poor Anna and the hallway.

"Please ask the Bratz who caused this, sir." She retorted pointing towards Amber and Ivy.

"You two follow me. You get cleaned up. Now." Mr. Gregory pointed towards Amber and Ivy, who immediately repudiated the accusations, to follow him. Alison closed her locker and pulled Anna towards the bathroom to get her cleaned.

"Are you alright? Don't let them get to you, Anna. They're just insecure, spiteful people who doesn't know how to deal with their own problem and so they just spill it out on other people." Alison explained, if tacitly, to being demean while Anna still stood quietly.

"Thank you." She finally opened her mouth after recollecting herself from the shock and continued the day with less drama.

"I'll pick you up again after work." He gave her a soft smile showing off his dimples that she missed. She replied with a small smile as well before walking towards the studio building. Changed into her ballet outfit, getting ready for the class to begin. Seeing the little children being carefree and vivacious as they were, helped to slightly lift her spirits. Once the classes ended, she continued practicing alone in the studio hoping to divert her wild thoughts. Trying to recall what her psychiatrist and parents told her. Stop blaming yourself for what happened. She ended the dance with a grade reverence then took her things to the changing room where she saw Jason was already waiting for her outside the hallway, again. So, she quickly changed into her usual sweatshirt and jeans then followed him out of the studio.

"Do you have to be home right now?" He asked as they walked towards his car.

"Not really. Why?" Her heart pounding.

"I read that there'll be super moon tonight." He opened the door for her. Does she want to? Should she? Shouldn't she stay away from him? But why does her heart yearn his company. They went to their usual place by the lake after getting a burger at the drive through. By the time they reached the bench at the lake, it was already dark, but there was something calming looking at the serene water.

"You said being at this place brings you serenity." He simply said looking at Alison who sat quietly beside him with her knees on her chest and her arms around her knees.

"Yeah, in some ways it does." She did want to go to this place and somehow, he knew that. She glanced at him giving him a small smile for bringing her here. He tilted his head focusing on her pretty face, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind. Wanting to help her deal with whatever is bothering her, he missed this closeness, he missed staring into her mesmerizing blue ocean eyes, he simply missed her and he didn't realize the depth of it till now.

"I wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." He chuckled as he placed his hands on her head messing up her hair a little and slowly shifted placing his hands on her cheeks, caressing them tenderly. She gave in to her heart by leaning her face on his palms as she closes her eyes, feeling the comfort that he was able to give from his gentle touch. This felt wrong but right at the same time. I don't know what to expect but all I know is that I want his lips on mine. Can I just enjoy this moment for what it's worth? Being with him gave her a sense of peace and calming. He was able to make her feel good about herself, giving her the confidence she had lost ever since the incident. Once she opened her eyes, she stared deep into his longing stare. He leaned closer to her, his face inches away from hers, breathing in his mint breath, lost in his big cinnamon brown eyes.

"I can't get you out of my mind, Alison. You don't even realize what you're doing to me. It drives me crazy." His eyes linger between her eyes and her lips. Then he crashes her lips with his, leaving his guard down and kissed her with much cravings. Savored her sweet taste that he missed and could not get enough of. He tried to rid her from his mind but was unable to. No matter how hard he tried, she was all he could think of. She responded to the kiss, not caring what her mind was screaming, telling her that she shouldn't but followed her heart instead, which tells her that this is what she has been missing, what she wanted, what she needed, at least for now. Careless and carefree, she let the kiss flowed and filled her with content. Slowly, their lips parted, breathless and senseless.

"Why... why do you do that for?" She finally braced herself and asked, still breathless from the kiss.

"I... Sorry, but... no, I'm not sorry. I just... I've been wanting to do that." He responded, brushing his hands against his dark hair and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Just to me or...?" She asked hating that it might create tensions between them.

"I like you, Alison. I really like you." He blurted out looking straight into her eyes which made her blush immediately. She tried to hide the smile that was forcing their way onto her face which he noticed, earning a satisfied smirk on his handsome face. Can I just think and uncomplicate things later when this is going so easy with him, right now? Let me just be tactless and enjoy this moment for as long as it last. They enjoyed each other's company as they cuddled and stared at the night sky.

"You're amazing at dancing, Ariel. I saw you when you're in the room. The way you move, it's astounding." He stated his eyes fixated at the purplish galaxy.

"Yeah? Thanks."

"You should continue dancing, I can see it in your eyes. Your love for dancing." He continued as he turned looking into her.

"I don't know... It was something that I've always been passionate about, but... I don't know."

"That you've always been... still is then." He smiled. He was always the attentive kind of person.

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