Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

It was Friday evening and Nishant and Aditya were sitting in Aditya's cabin discussing something. It was a routine for them to discuss the happenings of the whole week on Fridays.

Just when they were done with the discussion, Nishant asked Aditya "Hey, will you come with me tomorrow to Anaira's house? It's a small get-together. Simran will be there too."

"No, I have some work and I wasn't even invited to this." he replied.

"Adi, she wanted to invite you but the poor girl is scared of you. She told me that she's afraid of your reaction if she invited you." Nishant said.

"Do I look like a monster to her? Why's she scared of me?" he asked.

"You know better than to ask this question. You scare everyone here except me." Nishant said teasing him.

"Hey, that's not true." Aditya retorted.

"On a serious note, please think about coming tomorrow. It will be fun." Nishant said.

"Okay. I'll see." Adi replied.

"It's tomorrow evening. Let me know by afternoon if you're coming or not. Okay?" Nishant asked.

"I will. Now why don't you come home with me? Mom wants to see you." Aditya said.

"How can I say no to my darling aunty ji. I will come." Nishant replied.

Both of them left office and went to Aditya's house where they enjoyed a delicious dinner with his family.


It was Saturday finally and as promised Simran had come to Anaira's house to help her with the arrangements. There wasn't much to do but preparing food was the major thing. Anaira was good at cooking but won't say no for a helping hand.

By 4 PM the girls had finished most of the cooking. They had few minor things left which they kept for later.

Simran told Anaira that they both should start getting ready. Simran had chosen a nice dress for Anaira to wear that evening.

"Don't you think this is too much for a in-house get-together? Honestly I don't mind being in my PJs." Anaira told Simran.

"No way. You are wearing this and no arguments." Simran said holding the beautiful black dress.

"Sim Sim, I understand you wanting to get dressed up as you will be seeing your dear boyfriend. But there's no point in me getting dressed up." Anaira told making a puppy face.

But Simran wouldn't budge. She told her "There's a surprise for you darling. Just get ready and you will know." Simran said.

"What surprise are you talking about?" Anaira asked amused by this new revelation.

"You know I'm not going to reveal it. You will know when it's time. Now please get ready Anaira." she replied.

Anaira wore the dress and applied a very little makeup. She applied eyeliner and a peach coloured lipstick and left her hair open. The dress was black and it was her favourite colour.

Around 6.30 PM the door bell rang and Simran was doing final touches to her makeup. Anaira saw through the peephole and found Nishant at the other end. She opened the door excitedly saying "Hey Nishant!!"

"Hey!" he replied with the equal excitement.

Just then another person entered the scene and it was Aditya. Anaira was too stunned to see him there. She didn't know what to say, she was tongue tied. She came out of her stance and acknowledged Aditya.

"Hi Sir" Anaira greeted.

"Hi! You can call me Aditya. This is not an official meeting right." Aditya replied feeling a bit awkward.

"Sure. You guys please come in." she said smiling.

They went to the living room and settled on the couch. Anaira asked the both of them if they needed something to drink. Both of them asked for water.

Simran who finished her makeup came to the living room and greeted both them. Nishant winked at her and she blushed.

Anaira felt a bit awkward with Aditya being there. Simran was used to it as she had attended a lot of parties with Adi and Nishant. But for Anaira all this was very new.

Aditya kept stealing glances at Anaira. Today she looked different to him for some reason, good different. She mostly wore formals and jeans to the office and she looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing and Aditya couldn't take his eyes off her. Without him knowing he was being drawn towards this girl whom he didn't even know a few weeks ago.

Aditya was impressed with her work, she was brilliant at it. He liked seeing her and even in office he would always find ways to keep her around him. He wasn't like this ever and he felt strange at his own behaviour.

Four of them sat and chatted for a while as they ate the starters. It was mostly Nishant talking in the beginning but after sometime everyone felt at ease and the awkwardness was long gone. They talked like old friends.

Through Anaira wasn't talking much she kept looking at Aditya. He was talking so jovially and she hadn't seen this side of him. She liked this fun, jovial and smiling Aditya more.

Aditya didn't want to let these feelings grow. From his past experiences he had learnt that relationships are just a waste of time and nothing else. He didn't want to repeat his mistakes. He thought he needs to control his mind as he was losing it with this certain beautiful girl.

It was around 8 that they sat down for the dinner. The food was served and Aditya liked the Bhindi fry that Anaira had prepared. It was his favourite.

After the dinner was done, all of them sat for a fun game of Ludo. They enjoyed it thoroughly.

After a while Anaira made chai for all of them. The ginger tea she prepared was everyone's favourite back home. All of them loved the khadak adrak chai that she prepared. Aditya infact thought of asking her for the recipe. It was that good.

Later Aditya helped Anaira to clean the dishes while Nishant and Simran took responsibility of cleaning the dining area.

When they were washing the dishes Anaira told "Thank you for coming today. Hope you liked the dinner."

Aditya looked at her smiling and said "My pleasure. I enjoyed a lot and the food was awesome. Thank you for having me over."

Simran decided to stay the night and both the guys were to stay in Aditya's apartment.

"What are the plans for tomorrow?" Nishant asked after they were done cleaning.

"We are going to the mall for shopping." Simran replied. We meaning she and Anaira.

The guys got up to leave and Nishant gave Simran a kiss on the cheek. Simran's face turned red instantly. She hit Nishant on his hand for this sudden gesture of his. Anaira and Aditya smiled awkwardly looking at them. They are so cute they thought.

Anaira wished to have someone like that in her life too. While Aditya thought Nishant's lucky he found genuine love but that wasn't the case with him. He was happy for his friend.

END of Chapter 10!

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