Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

"Anu, you should have slapped him." Sharanya told her once they were in their room.

Anaira had forced Simran to go and rest as she had a big day ahead of her.

"It's fine Sharanya. I don't want anything to do with him. Let's just ignore him. I don't want to talk about it, please." Anaira told her friend.

But only she knew how much she was hurting inside.

On the other hand, our messed up hero was cursing himself for what he had done. He knew that he'd crossed the limits. And the look on Anaira's face and those tears really crushed his heart. He had made her cry again!!

With numerous thoughts running through his mind, he fell asleep on the garden bench in the freezing cold without even realising it.

Nishant on the other hand was confused at his friend's behaviour. Aditya was not someone who would do such a stupid thing. He knew his friend and he also guessed there's something else behind this.

He pestered Simran and finally she gave up and told Nishant everything about Anaira and Aditya.

"You knew everything all this while and you never told me? How can you do this? We're getting married tomorrow and we're supposed to have no secrets between us." Nishant felt a little angry.

"Nish, it was not my secret to tell you. And on top of that Anaira took a promise from me not to tell you anything." Simran told him.

"Okay. Let's not fight over this now. But I think there's more to this. Adi wouldn't behave like that for just this small reason. Maybe I should talk to him." Nishant told her.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Speak to him and ask him to get his thoughts sorted. He can't keep hurting her for no reason. She's suffering a lot inside though she acts like she's all fine." Simran told him.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow. He seems disturbed, so I'll leave him alone now." Nishant told her.


Next day, Anaira woke up soon and got ready for the haldi ceremony. They were doing haldi in morning as the marriage was to take place in the evening.

She wore a yellow anarkali suit and walked towards Simran's room. Sharanya told her that she'll join her later.

When she was walking towards the room, Simran's mom called her to carry something with her to the garden. The haldi was to be held in the garden.

When they entered the garden, they were shocked to see Aditya sleeping there on the bench. The bench didn't fit him, he seemed uncomfortable.

"Arre, why is Aditya sleeping here? Was he sleeping here the entire night? It was too cold outside." Simran's mom exclaimed and went towards him to wake him up.

Anaira stood rooted on her spot. She wasn't ready to face him but she couldn't just walk away as well. 'What's wrong with him? God!!' Anaira felt like giving him one nice punch.

He woke up after a few seconds and the first thing he looked at was Anaira's face. He thought he's dreaming. He kept staring at her.

"Adi?" he felt someone shaking him. He then looked at Simran's mom. That's when he realised that it's not a dream but reality. He got up and came to a sitting position.

"Adi, are you alright beta? Why were you sleeping outside? What if you catch a cold or fever?" Simran's mom asked him.

"I didn't realise when I fell asleep aunty. I'm fine, please don't worry." he replied.

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