Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Anaira was finally back in Mumbai. She had a great time with her family and also she had spilled the beans in front of Sneha. Her bhabhi was a smart animal. When Sneha asked her she couldn't lie. She had told her everything and in return Sneha had told her to be careful with her decisions. She also told Anaira that she won't tell anyone at home until Anaira was ready and also it was Anaira's responsibility to tell her family.

She landed in Mumbai on Sunday and was waiting for the next day to meet her prince charming. She had missed him so much and he also seemed a bit angry at her. Whenever she texted him, he was giving her one word answers which only irritated her.

The next day, Anaira got ready to office and also took a bag of mithaai boxes with her which she had got from Delhi to give it to her colleagues.

She reached office and sent out a message in the group, which said: "Sweets at my desk!! Please help yourselves :)"

Her colleagues came by and wished each other happy Diwali as they enjoyed the sweets. She had got special sweet boxes to Simran and Nishant, which she gave it to them.

Aditya seemed busy. He had called her few times only to talk about work and Simran was along with her too, so she couldn't talk to him. Simran told her that he's been busy with a US project that he'd taken up last week when Anaira was on leave. Anaira sighed thinking he must really be busy and thought not to overthink.

In the evening Anaira was still sitting at her desk working on her laptop. Simran and most of the others had left. When she went to Aditya's cabin earlier to talk to him, he had said "I'm on a conference call."

She was waiting for him to finish his work. She was working on something when someone called her. She looked up at the person to find that it was Aditya's dad.

"Anaira beta, it's almost 8PM. Why are you still working? Is Aditya burdening you with lot of work? I will talk to him." Aditya's dad said.

"No uncle, I mean Sir. I just had some pending work so I was finishing it. Nothing to do with Aditya sir." she replied.

"Acha beta, it's really late. Come, I'll drop you home." he said.

"No uncle, I'll just finish this and leave in sometime. Please don't worry, I will be fine." Anaira said addressing him as uncle as there was no one around.

"Okay, don't stress yourself out. Leave me a text once you reach home, okay?" he asked her. It reminded Anaira of her dad.

"Sure uncle. Thank you." Anaira responded.

Anaira felt relieved and looked at Aditya's cabin. She thought of going in and checking again but didn't want to disturb him so she sat down on her chair and continued working.

She had so much to catch up on. She had come to know that the US project Aditya is working on, it was their new venture in the US. He has been busy with it since the last week.

Aditya finally finished his work and packed his bag to leave. When he came outside, he was surprised to see Anaira at her desk. He thought she might have left.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked her.

"I was waiting for you." she replied.

"Okay. Come let's go." he said.

"Are you angry at me?" she asked him when they were in the lift.

"No! What made you think like that?" he asked her.

"You were not texting me properly and you didn't talk to me the whole day today." she told him.

"Arey, I was busy with work. You know about the new project?" he told her taking hold of her hand. Anaira nodded at him.

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