Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Anaira went inside and locked her room. She sat down on the floor hugging her knees as she cried, tears flowing endlessly from her eyes. She cried her heart out.

She wanted answers and she felt like she got her answers, nice and clear. He thought that she's a cheater which really pulled the last straw. Now everything was shattered in to pieces.

The only reason she wanted to confront him was that somewhere in her heart she still had some hope. But now it was gone, everything was ruined.

She had a satisfaction of fighting for her love. She didn't want to feel that she should have tried to talk to him once before giving up. She didn't want the thought of 'what if I had tried talking to him once? things would have been different.' to kill her throughout her existence.

Now she had tried her best and there wasn't anything else worth trying.

In any relationship, the effort has to be from both the sides. If you're giving it your all and the other person is not making any efforts then it's of no use. It's like you're banging your head on a wall expecting it to stop you or comfort you.

It was time for her to finally give up and walk away.

She decided to do something next day and tried sleeping but she couldn't. It was around 4AM in the morning, Anaira packed few essentials. She went and brushed her teeth and washed away the tear stains from her face. Her head was aching badly and she took a painkiller to ease the pain.

She sat on her bed thinking about what she was going to to. 'Am I doing the right thing?' she questioned herself multiple times.

It was around 6 AM, when she went out of her room taking her bag. She had packed few clothes and her laptop bag. She saw one of the cooks in the kitchen. She went to him and told him that she's going out somewhere and asked them not to cook anything for her.

She drove her car to the Marine drive, she sat on the shore and watched sunrise. It eased her pain a little. She also drank kullad chai from one of the tea vendors near the beach.

She then drove to the hotel which she had booked for her stay. After checking-in to her room she called Aditya's mom and told her that she's going to stay with Simran for few days. She said that Simran was asking for her help with the wedding shopping.

She didn't want to leave the house in her absence. She respected her like her own mother. But she had no choice.

Anaira was tired and felt very lonely. She wanted to share her thoughts with someone.
She didn't want to call Sneha as she would really get tensed and might also blame herself for this.


Aditya came down in the morning. He hadn't gotten much sleep as well. He had slept only for a couple of hours.

He came down and had his breakfast. He looked around to see if he can find Anaira, she was nowhere to be seen. He had noticed that her room door was wide open when he came down.

He went to his home office and worked for sometime. It was around 2 in the afternoon when he was called for lunch. Anaira was still absent.

He asked the cook "Kaka, where is Anaira?"

"Anaira bitiya went somewhere early in the morning. She told me that she's going somewhere and not to cook anything for her." he said.

"Did she tell you where she was going?" he asked the cook.

"No, she didn't tell anything." the cook replied.

Aditya was tensed now. He didn't know what to do or whom to ask. He was so restless the whole time. 'Where did you go Anaira?' he asked in his mind.

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