3 | Rules

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What makes you think I'll so easily give up the facade, I've spent years on building?

- l i l a -

I was sitting with Victor in his study while he was going through some documents.

While he was busy with his work, I took my time to observe my eldest brother.

His copper brown hair fell messily over his tanned skin complimenting his striking silver eyes.

Those eyes.

I still remembered how Damien always cried about only me and Victor inheriting that beautiful eye colour while the rest of the brothers had blue eyes from our mother.

I had the same feauters as Victor- same tanned skin, same silver eyes and same copper brown hair.

It was scary how similar we looked. Had it not been the visible age difference, we would easily pass for twins.

Even though still the same colour, they had visibly changed. My brother had changed.

His eyes no longer held the warmth, I was once accustomed to. They were cold and held no emotion.

He was no longer the same brother who would comfort me when I cried, who would let me sleep with him when I was scared of mom and dad's fights and who would act as my mom and dad when both of my parents were too busy for it.

This was not my brother.

This was the stranger I met ten years ago.

Mom and dad are fighting because of me. My tears were endlessly flowing as I ran towards Victor's room.

When I went inside his room, he was sitting on his desk facing the window, his back towards me.

"Vicky." I cried.

"What happened Lila?"

Victor always called me Lily. He only called me by my name when he was angry.

Was he angry with me? Did I do something wrong?

"Victor, I-I am scared."


"Dad said mom should take me with her. I don't want to go. I want to be with dad and you. I don't want to go away from you."

"You should do as dad says Lila. You should go with mom, you can't stay here."

"I don't want to leave you." I was crying. But he made no attempt to come to me.

"Go to your room Lila and sleep. You have to leave tomorrow morning with mom."


"I said go to your room Lila." He shouted.

My Vicky never shouted at me.

He stood up from where he was sitting and pushed me towards the door. After making me leave, he locked his door.

"I hate you Victor." This was the last thing I yelled before running off to my room.

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