9 | Feelings

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Mia stood up from her seat, ready to head out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Victor's icy cold voice boomed in the empty room stopping Mia dead in her track.

"It's late, I should go now." Mia spoke after a hesitant pause. She was visibly nervous. And who wouldn't be? It was Victor she was speaking to after all.

"I guess we have some talking to do." Victor said, finally meeting her eyes, the intensity of his gaze making Mia involuntarily flinch. They were no longer the usual light silver but way darker.


Mia didn't want to stutter. She wanted to sound confident but it was something she couldn't help.

Victor made her sit, he himself occupying the seat directly opposite from hers.

"So where did you get those from?" He said pointing towards her phone.

"I don't know-"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" His voice was unusually calm. Calm yet so threatening.

"I-I got those from Lila's old room when last time I came over. I had once heard someone say that your mom had sent all of Lila's paintings here. So I thought-"

Mia wanted to erase all of Lila's memories from this house. She wanted her to be gone. And when she heard that her mom was sending her works, she was raged. Initially, she was planning to throw them away but then an idea popped into her brain.

'Why not sell them and earn a little money?'

Lila's works were exceptional after all. At such a young age, she did it like some professional. That was one of the many things Mia hated about Lila. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't paint like her.

"So you thought it would be a great idea to sell those in some exhibition and earn a few dollars without asking any one of us. Who in hell do you think you are Mia?"

"I'm sorry." Mia replied instantly, not being able to meet his eyes.

"How much did you make?"

"I-I...it was-"

"I asked how much did you make?" He asked again, his voice raising a few decibels this time.

"$ 10,000 almost."

"I want all the profit you gained through that pathetic exhibition by next Sunday." Victor smirked.

He knew she was lying. With all the items she had been buying over the years using their money, the exhibition was definitely worth more.

He stood up and turned to leave.

"And don't forget to bring all of the paintings you stole from our house."

"What? B-but I-" Her jaw dropped. She couldn't comprehend what he was saying. She had sold the paintings, how the heck was she supposed to bring them back.

"Do I look like I care?"

"W-what if I'm n-not able to?" Gathering all of her courage, she finally managed to ask.

"Oh trust me, you don't want to know that." Saying that he left leaving her all alone in the mess she had created.

- x a v i e r -

The dinner ended few minutes ago. I didn't even know who was crazy enough to invite that bitch Mia over.

While heading towards my room, I heard faint sobs from Lily's room. Quietly opening the door, I peeped inside. The sight before me made my heart clench.

She was lying on the bed curled up like a fetus, probably weeping herself to sleep. With every sob, my heart broke even more.

No matter how strong she pretends to be, I knew she was how broken my little Lila was from inside.

I closed the door and sat outside her room with my head resting against the wall.

I was lost in thoughts. Thinking about how different it all would have been if Lila never went away, if mom would have taken me with her instead of my little Lily.

Only if she had listened to me.

"Why does she have to go away with you mom?" I barged into my mom's room as soon as I got to know that Lila was leaving with her.

"I'm busy right now Xavier. I don't have time for this."

"I just wan't to know why are you taking her away? Lila loves us mom. I don't know about me but she definitely can't live without Victor. He had practically raised her."

"I don't have a choice Xavier." She finally looked at me.

"Okay, you have to take one of us with you. Take me. I'll come with you."

"And do you think you can live without Xander? And its not like I have a choice. Lila can't stay here. She isn't safe here. You won't understand now but you'll know why I did this when you grow up."

"I may not know what's happening but one thing I'm sure about is that Lila is the safest here. She has her brothers. We'll protect her."

"Your dad and now even Victor, Elijah and Damien are always busy with business. Who will look after her? Xander? Or You? Can you both even take care of yourself?"

"Why are you even leaving mom? You have me, Xander and everyone and. . . and dad's here."

She didn't say anything. She just laughed, bitterly. Then turning towards me, she looked me in the eyes.

"When was the last time your dad was home Xavier? When was the last time he spent a holiday with us or the last time he celebrated anyone of your birthday? Tell me Xavier."

That shut me up. Dad was rarely home. He was always working.


"Enough." A voice boomed, silencing both of us. I turned to be met by none other than dad.

And before I knew, I was dragged by my dad and locked inside my room. I banged continuously on the door, crying and asking someone to come and unlock me but no one came and eventually I passed out on the floor.

The next day I woke up, she was already gone along with mom.

I didn't know for how long I sat outside her door but it was long enough for the sobs to be replaced by faint snores.

Once I was sure she was asleep, I quietly opened the door and went inside. Sitting beside her, I stroked her hair and drew patterns on her hand before sleep consumed me.

The next day I woke up early, made my side of the bed and silently went to my room before she could wake up.

Just like every other day.


Is anyone even reading this shit lmao?

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