19 | Helpless

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The physiotherapist had arrived half an hour ago and while I was sitting in the room waiting for him, he was downstairs listening to Damien's instructions.

Apparently he was a young lad who had just started interning much to my brother's dismay.

They had even planned on sending him back but looking at my 'almost on the verge of fake tears' eyes, they reluctantly agreed.

Victor was the most annoyed because he had particularly asked the rehab for some experienced oldie and preferably a lady.

Just when I was about to make my way downstairs out of frustration, the door opened and in walked the sexiest person I've seen in this city till now.

I hadn't seen him properly earlier but now I took my time to observe him.

With hazel eyes and long black hair that almost reached his shoulder, he stood six feet tall.

'Not bad.' My inner voice said, looking at him through her thick rimmed  spectacles.

Not bad? He was freaking Adonis.

"Take a picture, it would last long," He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I scoffed or at least tried to but the voice that came out of my mouth probably sounded like that of a dead camel.

"I've seen better."

Did he forget that even my brothers looked like fucking models?

He chuckled shaking his head in amusement before taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm Alaric," He said with a small smile.

"Lila," I replied.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

He took out a pen and notepad from his bag and scribbled something on the front page.

"So Lila, before we start the therapy, I want you to move your hand for me so that I can assess the extent of your injury."

"I can't move it at all."

"That's what you think. Most patients experience numbness after the accidents which restricts the movements of their injured body parts. They misunderstand it for permanent damage. But in real, you can actually move the injured parts after the numbness fades."

"So you're trying to say that I've been living in a misunderstanding and my hand is perfectly fine."

"No, what I'm trying to say is that the injury is not as severe as you think it is."

I slowly nodded, trying my best to understand whatever the fuck he was saying.

What? Biology is not my cup of coffee.

Study, in general, is not your cup of coffee.

Shut up!

"Now slowly move your shoulder joint," He said examining my hand carefully.

I did as he told me and after a bit of pain, I was actually able to move it easily.


"So you see, there's no damage here," He said jotting down something, I guess the details on his notepad. "Now try moving your elbow joint."

And I was able to move it too.

"Now your wrist."

Confidently, I started doing the movement he had told me to but as I moved my wrist a bit, my hand started shivering and pain shot in my entire hand.

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