23 | Rumors

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It had been three days since my conversation with Victor and I'd not bothered to talk to him or any of my brother again.

The days at school had been surprisingly amazing. For the first time in my life, I was actually excited to go to school. Unbelievable? I know.

I spent most of the day with Daniel. At home, after a lot of insisting, Elijah finally agreed for daily therapy sessions with Alaric on the condition that it won't affect my studies.

Just like before, Daniel had been helping me with all the school work during free periods at school which meant I didn't have to see Xander and I could solely focus on the sessions at home.

My hand was improving too thanks to all the medicines and exercises. Now, I could hold extremely light objects without shivering which was a good sign.

Overall, life was going good.

"Careful there Lila. You don't have to exhaust yourself," Alaric, who currently sat on my desk chair, said when he saw me trying to write something.

I dropped the pen with a sigh.

"You know you won't be able to reach the level you were at earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know much but from what I've heard you had quite amazing artistic skills. When your hand is completely cured and the movements are restored, you won't be able to reach that level immediately. It will take time. It will be like starting from the beginning."

"Are you trying to demoralize me?"

"Nope, stating facts and guiding you."

I looked at him for a moment while he was busy scribbling something on his notepad as usual.

"I never asked you about you?"

"Me? What about me?" He looked up suddenly intrigued by the question.

"I mean now that we talk so frankly, we can be considered friends."

"Friends?" He chuckled. "I never really had any."

"Do you have any girlfriend?"

"Where in hell did that come from?"

"With those looks, there might be quite a few girls who had asked you out," I teased.

"Are you always this straightforward?" He laughed soflty. "I was kind of always focused on studies so never really had any time for such stuff." He shrugged.

"You're so boring."

"What about you?"

"Me? Please," I sighed. "I had my fair share of boys at home, don't really need more."

He laughed at my dramatic eye roll.

"I have a friend though. She's really cool. But I'm a bit afraid to ask her out."

"A crush uh huh," I said wiggling my eyebrows. "And what about your family?"

"I sort of have a really big family."

"Do you have any sibling?"

"I have a younger brother."

"That's so cool. And here I'm trapped with five evil elder brothers. You can torture him anytime."


"Of course. Isn't that what younger siblings are for? To show authority and torture them."

"Umm. . .No? And your brothers are not that bad."

"You are saying that because you're the elder one," I said shaking my head slowly. "Try being the youngest among six and that too the only girl. The challenges are real."

He laughed at my exaggeration but before he could say anything, the alarm on his phone went off indicating that the session was over.

"I have to go now," He said standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow," Saying that he left.

It was late so I decided to go to sleep.

The next day when I went school, Daniel as usual was already waiting for me in the class.

He waved smiling from the last seat when he saw me. It took an hour to convince him to sit with me at the back.

Apparently being a top student and sitting at back didn't quite add up to him, something that I'll never understand.

The teacher taught the same thing to every student in class. It was not as if she gave some secret tips to the students in the front.

That's why I told him about my brothers. The twins had excellent grades but the worst reputation in the whole school.

It was funny how I had minimal talk with my brothers these past days yet somehow they were included in almost all of my conversations.

"Guess what?" Daniel said snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I changed one of my class, guess it."

"Don't tell me you're coming to arts class with me," I joked.

"Ugh Lila! I was supposed to surprise you."

"What the fuck Dan? You know nothing about arts. How in hell are you supposed to pass it. It will effect your records."

"I don't have to worry about that when I have you. You can do all of my projects just like I help you in other subjects. It's the only thing you are good at after all," He said laughing softly.

I knew he meant it as a joke but something in his words put me off.

I took out my phone from my bag and looked at it.

"Xavier texted me to come out. He said it's urgent," I said picking up my backpack.

"Will you attend the class?"

"I don't know. I'll probably skip the classes. I'll meet you during break at our usual place."


"Yeah, once you go out of the class, you don't feel like coming back again," I said jokingly.


I was obviously lying. There was no text from Xavier. I just needed to be alone for a while.

After a couple of miserable hours of just sitting and doing nothing, it was finally break.

I waved when I saw Daniel coming but he didn't return it.

"What did Xavier say?"

"Nothing. He just wasted my time for nothing. What about you though? Why does your face look like someone died?"

"I-I just heard some boys talking about your brothers."

"My brothers are pretty popular you see. People tend to talk about them a lot. Nothing new."

"No! It wasn't the usual stuff though."


"T-They were saying t-that-,"

"What were they saying?"

"They were saying that your brothers are in mafia," He blurted out.

I wasn't expecting that.

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