The Sky is Everywhere

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The sky was blue. It was so rare that the sky was blue it was something to be cherished. The blue sky might have been the only thing I missed about Georgia.

It was also a rare day I wasn't working. I didn't mind taking a break from writing about the corrupted city of Gotham. Part of me wished I lived in a city where I could write about something hopeful. I didn't know what the other part of me liked enough in the city to make me stay.

I was sitting on a bench in one of Gotham's nicer parks. I wasn't doing anything in particular. Really, I was just staring and thinking.

The sky disappeared as someone stood in front of me.

"You look like you're thinking way too hard," the familiar voice of my friend, Sam, said.

"Probably because I am," I answered. He sat down beside me on the bench.

"About what?"

"Why I'm still in Gotham. Why do you think I'm still here, Sam?"

"Because of me and my good looks, obviously."

I rolled my eyes. "Somehow I think there's another reason. Anyway, you're gay. What does it matter if I find you attractive?"

"I'm vain. I care," he said. "Honest answer, though. I think you want to stay for Crane."


"You still care about him."

"I hate him."

"That's what you tell yourself. But you loved him for years. Sure, he hurt you and has caused the deaths of dozens of people, but you still care. You don't want to leave him. I think you know deep down I'm right," Sam explained. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I hate that you're probably right. Why do you have to be an idiot in everything else except relationships?" I asked.

"Great question, darling. Maybe you should ask your riddle boyfriend."

I shot up. "Edward and I are not dating."

"Could have fooled me. I've seen you together, Amber. The man stares after you like a lost puppy when your back is turned."

"No, he doesn't."

"He definitely does. Eddie baby is hot for you," Sam teased. I shuddered at the way he said Edward's name.

"Never ever, ever call him Eddie baby. That was foul. Edward and I are friends. And that's that."

Sam smirked but didn't answer me again. I stared out into the park. There were families who, despite living in a god-forsaken city, looked happy. I wished I could be happier than I was.


"Yeah, Sam?"

"Have you ever seen a jealous Crane?"


"Do you think he'd be jealous that you're spending romantic time with a man who isn't him?" Sam asked.

"Edward and I are not in a romantic relationship. And why would Jonathan care? Technically, he's the reason we're not together."

"But you're the one who actually broke things off. I feel like Crane would be spending time with you when he's out and about if you were still dating."

"I wouldn't be spending my time with a known criminal," I said. Sam shut up quickly. I suddenly felt as though I'd said something wrong and felt terrible.

"Wanna hear something about the sky?" I asked him.

"Why the fuck would I want to hear about the sky? Are you a poet now?" he asked.

"The sky is blue, right?"

"Well, I fucking hope so. Or else we're all part of some shared hallucination."

"Hey, no need to curse," I teased. "Anyway, the sky is blue. It's the same blue as when I lived in Georgia."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Some things don't change. Like the blue sky."

"It turns green when there's a tornado."

"Shut up, I'm trying to be poetic. What I'm trying to say is that the sky is the sky. It's absolute. It's always there."

"Your point?" he asked. I slapped his shoulder.

"Some things don't change, is my point. It's nice to be reminded of that sometimes, isn't it?"

He didn't say anything, but he nodded. I took that as answer enough. Whatever I'd said to upset him, I hoped he got the message he was my friend. I hoped he understood that I always wanted to be his friend.

But he was right. The sky wasn't always blue. Sometimes the sky turned green. Some things changed. Some things like me and Jonathan.


Chapter title borrowed from Jandy Nelson

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